Originally published at: Watch Ted Cruz get booed — and nearly hit with a beer can — while on parade float | Boing Boing
I can’t condone the beer can yeet, but good on them! Let’s hope they are all registered voters.
Poor Ted Cruz, a beer can to the head would not help his cognitive disfunction.
Two pitches right down the middle, and Bush didn’t even swing.
Nice effort from the Iraqi official though.
And yet, he still gets reelected. Come on, Texas!
Voter suppression is a hell of a drug.
Daddy, why does everyone hate you?
Using kids as a human shield. Nice.
I don’t think I’ve seen any Senator follow in the slimy footsteps of universally loathed Senator Joe McCarthy as assiduously as Cancun Cruz does.
I get the feeling she already knows.
I heard boo.
Nor can I. It’s a waste of beer.
An empty beer bottle, OTOH…
I am disappointed there was only one yeeted at him, though.
It might cure it, though.
He has only been reelected once, though… I know, it seems like a thousand years.
That was very nice to see. Cathartic even.
Not into the hurling of objects, but glad to see people showing their displeasure!
I’m also reminded of how other GQPers have claimed “sports is no place for politics” so why is Cancun Cruz even helming a float?
I was careful not to condemn it, just not condone.
God he’s gross. When my beloved Giants won their World Series people would’ve thought “WTF” if somehow Dianne Feinstein leveraged her way onto one of the floats.
security was right on that beer can guy, too. i bet Beer Can Guy said, “totally worth it.”
Remember: If someone throws a full can, and Cruz grabs it and chugs it, that’s when you yell “Backwash!”
It’s funny because Ted wants to be loved, and literally every person on the face of the Earth despises him.