Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, and others are trying to censor a Netflix film they haven't seen

Pretty much all this.


Are there depictions of pre-teenage girls jumping about wearing what on a twenty-five year-old would be deemed sexy or are there not?

Again, maybe go read the comments upthread that discuss the contents of the film, which do address that point.

Ted Cruze NEVER SAW THE FILM, so he’s literally talking about something he has no idea about.

[ETA] Should we never have films that depict anything that we consider to be bad, for fear that people might take it as an endorsement? Should we stop making films about the Holocaust? About the effects of sexual assault? About racism? How about we stop discussing any problems in our society, because that will surely make them go away, right?


So that’s a yes, then. In which case this is a bad thing. You don’t need necessarily to do the bad thing to get rid of the bad thing.

And Ted Cruze is a worse than worthless thing who really should go away.

So, never depicting bad things it is then. Only G-rated movies with nothing remotely uncomfortable approved by the biddies of America for us, then.


I’ve stayed silent on this due to the fact that I’ve had family who’ve been sexually abused so hearing about films that push the envelope on the exploitation of children makes me very uncomfortable but I’ll say that conservatives can eat dirt for all I care on the matter because the fact they have the option to avoid it. I can’t avoid dealing with family who’ve dealt with actual sexual exploitation and abuse like conservatives can with just not watching this film. I do think it’s in bad taste but I don’t buy into the idea of banning it or anything else that’s uncomfortable. I do have concern for child actors considering the history of abuse they go through but I’ll leave that for another thread.


Right? Conservatives show little interest in actual victims of sexual assault and abuse, especially if it comes from within their supposedly “godly” communities. They’d rather shut down anything that actual tries to explore the root of the problem, thinking that ignoring it will make it go away.

Honestly, I think that’s part of the problem here, that they have not seen the film and are making assumptions based on actual misinformation about what is in the film.

Right? That’s why criticism exists, so we can hash this shit out in a more effective manner. And so people who might find the material uncomfortable, whatever the intent, can avoid the film.




Here the critique was for the film “poster” showing girls in the dance outfit, and the fact the film is v.m.14 but there are 11 year old depicted, so an 11 year old can’t watch them.
Sometimes happens, also Beast of no nation, another Netflix film is VM 18 so it can’t be viewed by people under 18. A movie could have some strong scenes even if kids are performing, especially if they are telling stories where something bad happens to them.

Yes… I’m aware of all that.


More about how Maïmouna Doucouré is being targeted (the article contains details about the film itself). After watching the film, I think it’s a great coming of age* story:

*Those who disbelieve the impact of social media in this film should watch The Social Dilemma (also on Netflix). Both films really changed my thinking on how it affects children.


I concur.


My wife said QAnon was getting a three-fer here: they can say they’re targeting “pedophilia” as an excuse for sexism, racism, and Islamophobia.


Oh so long ago in my public school days, if I reported on media I hadn’t consumed e.g. faked a book report, I got a failing grade. Tell Cruz he flunks Cinema 101.

If you haven’t already read this whole thread, I recommend it. Upthread I think it was @Mister44 posed a similar question about, even doing things ironically is doing those things. The goat analogy was mentioned.
The responses from other bbers really clarified the difference between that kind of irony and what this film is doing. Worth a read.


I’ve read a few more reviews on this movie and it is clear the intentions of this film is to call out the sexualization of preteens. That is good.

Is it ok some people are still squicked out by some of the scenes? I think that is fair.

Like others pointed out, film and media often portrays bad things with out endorsing said bad things. That is totally true and an important distinction. But film and media has also either poorly done controversial subjects, or done them in a way that is gratuitous. Depictions of certain acts will illicit a negative response from some people, even if the film or media isn’t directly endorsing such acts. I can think of several other controversial scenes in films.

I did not like the depictions I saw, but acknowledge they are only a small part of the over all film. Could it have been done differently/better? Maybe.

That’s what I think about the subject of the film.

Fuck Ted Cruz and the other conservative pearl clutchers. Maybe stop endorsing a president who talks about his young daughter’s future boobs and makes comments about how hot they are… ick.


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