One Monday is bad enough.
A whole case of them, and to add insult to injury they get delivered on Tuesday…
One Monday is bad enough.
A whole case of them, and to add insult to injury they get delivered on Tuesday…
Clearly it’s the fault of the family at whole.
Not enough guns available in this family. Granny, nephew and sister weren’t armed. They could’ve prevented this by drawing their own guns and preemptively shooting the criminal.
Who, me? RTFA? Surely you must have me confused with somebody else!
If this happened in Australia everyone’s first reaction would be “how the hell did that kid get a handgun?”
But because it’s the US it’s just business as usual.
Well, let’s follow the trail of that gun… because it would be illegal for a gun owner to sell or give their gun to this young man. Oh wait, Tennessee doesn’t require a paper trail, nor a background check for gun transfers. I guess we’ll never find the person who abetted this crime. Darn shame. If only there was some kind of paperwork we could have done that would hold that person responsible…
Parent of a 13 year old boy here. The anger issues don’t surprise me, I wouldn’t let him have a gun.
Eat more Parmesan.
He won’t have to go to school ever again, so it would seem his strategy worked perfectly.
All three are recovering?
Kids today!
Great protest song, lyrics exactly what a lot of people try to say. Somehow heartbreaking and at least touching, I hope.
I used to do that loads as a teenager. My mum would leave for work before I was supposed to get the school bus, and came home after me. I used to just stay in bed, put my school uniform on at 5 and write myself a sick note. My dad did split shifts and would be home sleeping from 11-3, I’d just keep quiet. Never got found out.
Here’s my view on decaf (shudder)
Anyone think to ask why he didn’t want to go to school?
Nope? Carry on.
Almost certainly stolen. I’m not a big fan of blaming crime victims.
why couldn’t he just sleep in school like I used to.
Some people pay good money for a snuggle!
How about blaming people that don’t follow the safe gun storage laws then? Can we blame them?
MOST countries, or most civilized countries? Because places with much worse violence than the US have kids even younger doing much worse things. This includes the fighting in the Middle East and civil wars in Africa. And the UK and similar places still has their fair share of teen violence, though they never had the amount of gun crime we have, nor the level of crime in general.
Well good thing we don’t have kids smoking or drinking, since we heavily regulate who can buy those products. And there is no teen drug problem because it’s illegal almost everywhere.
There is a background check unless it was a face to face private sale within the same state. And assuming this kid bought the gun vs stole it, then ask yourself this: If someone is willing to sell a handgun to a 16 year old now, do you think that if the laws were changed he/she would be like, “Woah woah, they changed the law. We got to do background check with you now.”
Considering how easy 16 year olds can get alcohol, cigarettes, and weed, I have to chuckle if you honestly think making a few tweaks to the gun laws is going to matter.
I concede outright ban and confiscation will lower it some. But it won’t get rid of it, and I find the mentality that it is ok to punish 80 million people who can use a dangerous tool with out hurting someone because of the tiny percentage that do (many are already illegal users with the current laws), to be unsavory. Then again the government wants backdoors to your phones and computers because they don’t trust you either.