Arizona is quickly joining Florida in the realm of “oh God that word is in the headline I don’t even want to know.”
I want to reach out and grab ya.
The smug superiority and smarmy certitude plus total stupidity & casual bigotry helps them drive rational people into a rage. Rage plus a little suggestion lets some “exorcists” like their father “expel demons” even from rational people.
Check out their father’s work…
Big trigger warning screaming, crazy, and being restrained by idiots in the second and third parts of the linked video.
"Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, saw spirit possession as
a neurotic delusion, and demons as repressed “instinctual impulses”.
Really BBC? No psychologists from this century were available to consult on this story?
People, Mysthic Dellusion is as psychiatric illness… Someone needs to send these girls to a mental health facility
On other news: it’s just me or they are tryign to do a Christian-safe Charmed Gig?
My brother was on a menttal heal facility by depression, and all times I had gone to the facility whe he was there, people said me that mysthic dellusion is a psychic illness where people thinks [put here your deity] makes them do things.
The Quran?
Thing is too is that it’s a collection of books
Had seen this enough… Then they feel sad when people goes and shoot their churches. "We are a bunch of racist, fascists SOB that think just our religion is good and the 1/3 of humans that don’t believe it PLUS those who read Harry Potter, listen Enya or Iron Maiden or KISS or anything execpt Justin Bieber will go to hell and we do our hate speak all there, but hey, why you not be peaciful!
Actually, the malaria protection extends to the ENTIRE thread and to the original article too.
I speak from expertise. I hold the IVth degree, Prince of Jerusalem and Knight of the East and West within Ordo Templi Orientis.
Well, Latin-sounding.
I imagine so.
Harry Potter “spells” are just Pig Latin. Believing they are real magic is like believing that being bitten by a radioactive spider will give you superpowers
Accio English-to-Latin Dictionary!
From BBC:
“This is so much better than going to a stinky old school room.”
But, their mentor says:
“We think it’s OK to train teenagers to get drunk and have sex, but to do moral things for God, oh let’s not train them to do that,” says Larson.
There’s too much here to say…
There is even a computer brand that has a witchcraft spell in it.
Lenovo computeramos!
I’m more worried that the wizards seem oddly ok with slavery.
Hope that those girls knew that Apple are Devil’s works…
S.P.E.W detected
If I were a psychologist from this century, I would certainly make myself unavailable to comment. Freud can’t distance himself from it because he’s dead.