Teen exorcists from Arizona take on the UK and Harry Potter

I think this is the kind of thinking of those people


Old Sigmund has been hanging out in the Lit departments of the world more or less ever since psychopharmacology stopped being something that you reserved only for hopeless cases… It wouldn’t entirely surprise me if the writer of the story got a dose in undergrad.


An actual, literal demon wouldn’t be half as creepy as these three.


We think it’s OK to train teenagers to get drunk and have sex

Wait. Wait. People are getting training in this? Back in my day, we had to go figure out drunk, awkward sex on our own. Damn, those Millennials just can’t do anything without hand-holding from Mommy can they?


Why are we still giving this sort of troll any attention? That rant was old 40 years ago.

There are a few people that freak out about the Apple logo having a bite taken out of it (because fruit is only for paintings), but I’m sure most of them barely know how to ‘run off one them e-mails’

Sometimes I think that all the easiness on computers is also a Bane.

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[quote=“fabiocosta0305, post:33, topic:9678”]Harry Potter “spells” are just Pig Latin.[/quote]But it’s not even proper Pig Latin.

But what would Samantha Stevens have to say about this?

“Witchcraft got you into this, witchcraft will get you out!”


Besides reading witchcraft textbooks, there is another book they need to read. its called Dictionary. Particularly the entry on “fiction”.

hmmmm … I wonder how many people are out prospecting for dilithium?

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To be fair there should be about 30 active christians, 20 ethically based ones that are out of reach and who do not care, and two other atheists where one is wearing a fedora telling the other two they don’t un-believe strong enough.

/edit: I mean eth[n]ically based ones, but that works too.

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Wait, I can really perform spells with the wand I got at Harry Potter in Orlando? Thanks girls!

Watching them trying to act all serious is just so precious. Luckily they are all reasonably cute girls so they are perfect for a TV show. They are like the Kardashians of the exorcism world!


Attractive women marketed as teens + controversy + embarrassing antics + religion = ton of money for anyone involved in the show.


If they hunt ghosts too then we’ve GOT GOLD JERRY!

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Arizona isn’t all religious nuts, just a few of us. The rest of us are more into Satanism.


Ugh, these helicopter parents are too much.


just in case you haven’t seen it:

Arthur Miller Productions…

Well that’s good, we wouldn’t want the thread to catch malaria.


too bad there aren’t any real demons. Even a mid-range nasty out of Clive Barker or Neil Gaiman’s imagination would turn those chistobarbies into pate without breaking stride.

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