Teen "faces assault charge" for throwing baby carrot at teacher


There was precisely that notion in Michael Crichton’s book “Rising Sun”, wonder if that’s where your memory comes from? (I’m not commenting on whether it is or isn’t assault, just that’s where my memory hails from):

Jeff laughed meanly. “Hey. You know, I like humor. It’s funny. Okay, Mr. Wise Guy. You’re in the wrong place. You’ve had it explained. Move out. Now.” He poked Connor in the chest with a stubby finger.

Connor said quietly, “That’s assault.”

When I was a teenager, another kid threw a pair of scissors (sharp, and opened) directly at my face because I called him a doofus. We both were sent to the principal’s office and I was lectured on treating other people with respect.


Hrmm. I did read that book a million years ago, but I feel like this memory is more recent. Could just be my brain playing tricks, though.

Is this one in the GIF bank yet? Cause this should be in the GIF bank.

Technically, by the time your finger has made contact while poking, it’s battery. Assault is the threatening beforehand.

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