i take your point, these folks resemble christians in the same sense that modern republicans’ descriptions of “democrats” resemble actual members of the democratic party.
Does she have any qualifications other than being a god-grifter ass-kisser?
Paying “debts” by having people join his administration? Looks like we’re paying his debts…
Jesus grifters and tRump together again, again…
I’m going to call rules 34 and 41 apply here.
Sounds like religion to me.
Next he’ll appoint Gwyneth Paltrow as Secretary of Commerce. Or Health.
Doctor Oz, surgeon general.
As we get further into the Trump administration the more and more corrupt or stupid his appointees have to be to accept the job. In this case I think it’s probably the former.
I hate to say it, but it looks like the Republicans are going to hold firm and keep supporting him, no matter what he’s done (or will do), so he’s got another year in office and very possibly another five years. Lots of grifting to be done during that time.
She reinforces his relationship with White evangelicals, so it works for him, too… (in fact, that’s probably his entire motivation, here).
Signing on to a taxpayer funded job as Trump’s moral compass?
She’ll end up in prison. Trump’s moral compass only points true down.
In these circles I think the preferred synonym is “faith”…but yes, a scam.
It seems like she is fairly controversial even among Christians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_White#Criticism_and_allegations_of_heresy
no she won’t. she will raise her profile, pad her bank account and get out while the going is good. true grifters know how to make a score and move on.
maybe - but good grifters don’t tie themselves to a sinking ship - those rats know when to abandon ship!
Seriously!?! Alright, nobody told me the 21st century was going to be like this. Instead of flying cars we get snake oil salesmen. 2020 is starting to look more like 1820 than 2010.
This is ironic. She must be investing in his businesses.
I would literally bet my life that he doesn’t know the words to the Nicene or Apostle’s Creed. When at the Bush Sr funeral you saw Obama’s and Bush Jr’s lips move, but not his. If you have been in church for any significant stretch of time, you just sort of automatically recite those words. You may not even think you remember it, but when the time comes it just comes back like an old song on the radio.
I think some evangelicals seem him as a means to an end, but anyone who thinks he is actually a Christian is being deluded/duped.
well, really good grifters know when to play the quick strike or the long game.
She stands in stark contrast to the usual crazy old men who usually seem to be the face of such organizations. No doubt that also has something to do with her appeal to Trump. (Guess we can’t say that Millenials Are Killing The Prosperity Gospel yet.)
To be fair, there seem to be a lot of perfectly respectable denominations that don’t use those, for whatever reason.
And the same way that TrumpGOP resembles conservatives. None. None is the answer