Temporary open air urinals installed outside of bars in Victoria, British Columbia

Things like this can be useful for women too, if they’re paired with traditional portaloos. Most men will use the urinals, freeing up the more traditional loos for everyone else.


The purpose of the urinal is to reduce public urination for the benefit on the non-urinating citizens not to provide a public service to the urinater. Men are doing most of the urination therefore they are being targeted.

The real “user” here is not the person using the urinal so the gender balance of the true user is 50/50.


I think that was invented by British football hooligans in the 1970’s or 80s, only on a smaller scale.

I still think Reading in the UK has the most interesting design for an open air urinal.

That’s great for drunk men, but what about drunk women? :thinking:

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Victoria BC has a downtown?


Given the long lines of women outside of any pair of restrooms, maybe that’s been our mistake. Other than in a sports arena, I’ve never seen a line of men waiting to pee. If women started pissing everywhere, what are the odds we’d get more stalls and facilities on the sidewalk, too?
We’d probably just be arrested, fined, and/or publicly shamed.


Yeah, I’m thinking women are going to have to start pissing all over everything if they want some pee equality. (I guess to avoid the arrest/fines/shaming, women are going to have to go out into public with containers of urine, to dump on things.)


Now I’m not sure if I’m going to need hand sanitizer, gloves, a container, or all of the above…:thinking:

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Heh, they’ll just get arrested by security looking for suspicious containers, like at Disney World :-/

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