Ten Commandments tablet up for auction

It’s like, how much more daft could they be?

None. None more daft.


Hey … my dad served on the USS Ooral Sea OV-4B.

probably shouldn’t covet this…even if it is an autographed copy.


Now I’m expected to be a mindreader? Bugger that. Masochists’ll just have to grin’n’bear it.

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Cognitive Dissonance.

When are they going to give up and admit that they just use Christianity as an excuse for treating people like shit?


Translations being divinely inspired is actually a relatively mainstream belief as religious beliefs go- see the Septuagint.

Where the KJV-only types get weird is believing that their chosen translation is more valid than the text it is based on. And that gets into the nasty rabbit-hole of Supersessionism.

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I still like this one:

…but that’s me.


They’re focussed on their core beliefs; misogyny, homophobia and racism.


Ohhh… That’s how the “Core Curriculum” teaching thing came about. There was some confusion…

Isn’t Ben Carson a KJO believer?

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Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest, but I have no idea.

From the article:

The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) granted export approval for this piece in perpetuity to the Living Torah Museum in a letter dated 20 March, 2005. By terms of the letter, the museum must receive permission from the IAA for any future sale of the artifact. In subsequent contacts, the IAA has confirmed that the agency will approve sale to a third party, provided the Stone is placed on public display "where all can view it and enjoy."
My guess is that the IAA also gets a significant portion of the money paid for this piece.

So how much money are a former governor of Texas and/or a suspended Alabama Chief Justice going to pay to try to get their hands on this artifact?

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"It lists nine of the 10 commonly known Biblical Commandments from the Book of Exodus, with an additional Commandment to worship on the sacred mountain of Mount Gerizim, near Nablus, "

Amazing how easily the ability to edit these “commandments” gets passed over. Not all that “divine” I guess or there’d be no reason to substitute ones you like better. “Hey god, I made a couple of changes, just to suit local conditions. It’ll sell better if people feel you take an interest in thing like what mountain gets used…”

Not to mention the two somewhat different sets in the “bible” as is.

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What is KGO? I googled but couldn’t get past the station call letters (radio and television).

He’s a Seventh Day Adventist. What’s KGO?

oops, KJO. (King James Only))

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Sorry about that


Adventists typically put a lot of weight behind original Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. You have to have to study both Hebrew and Greek to graduate from the theology courses. A lot of Adventists do prefer the King James version, though.

If the Bible is the literal, unchanging word of God, English is the literal, unchanging language of God.

So thoughtful for him to speak all in RED. A true sign he was a Republican.