Tennesse GOP senator praises Hitler for overcoming homelessness

He could have gone with Dogenes. Far more nuanced.


An important bit of evidence that is oft overlooked.


That would be ridiculous to say… and a bunch of conservatives have said that in the past .


Not his own history, of course. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be blathering about homelessness being a ‘choice’.

Hmmm… I would bet money this goober calls himself a Christian; if so, wasn’t his Lord & Savior [no, not You Know Who,. his other L&S] essentially homeless at birth & to unmarried parents; then wandered around for a number of years in later life?
So, why would he choose Hitler, unless he admires Hitler more?

From what I remember reading, Hitler was basically a Starving Artist during that time & didn’t really get involved in politics until after WWI.

Yeah, no thanks to you, and others of your ilk, ‘Nicely’.
Can’t wait for your next vijeo, where you praise the policies of Attilla the Hun re: animal husbandry & resource management…


Or, living in the same era, and resembling him, was Charlie Chaplin, who didn’t kill millions. Or Benjamin Franklin, if he wants a famous politician, who also didn’t kill millions. Or any other homeless person who went on and didn’t kill millions.


Don’t forget his praised example also was a drug addict.


They loved that fascist lush windbag, another addict.

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Is he hoping people will equate the homeless with Hitler or is he just a fan of Hitler?

Which is… Which is the better thought?


… so this is one of those examples of economists measuring the wrong things?


What does he mean by Hitler’s later life?
I think I remember some Weekly World News articles about how he was living with Elvis on the moon in the late 80s. Cool, I guess, but not really productive.


As always, all Republicans prove themselves to be subhuman pieces of filth. Prove me wrong.

and “went on to lead a life that got him into history books.”

I don’t think it’s possible to miss the point more utterly than this. “No such thing as bad publicity” does not carry as far as genocide, you living argument for the importance of birth control.


Destructive would be the word. He led an extremely destructive life.


“Running out of rent money” is a kind of decision.

Slept on park benches for a while and moved into an indigents’ shelter.
I suppose begging for spare change is a kind of oratory, and shivering is a kind of body language.

Tennessee Gentleman is really really convinced that bad things happening to his hero must have been part of a clever master-plan for self-improvement.


I had no idea of that part of Hitler’s life, until I checked his Wikipedia page.

I suspect this guy could give a fairly detailed biography without checking his notes.


Disjointed mental meandering for today: during a short period in 1913, both Hitler and Stalin were in Vienna. They may or may not have passed each other during a stroll in the gardens of Schönbrunn Palace.


Or like Jesus, going out among the poor and spreading the Word.

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Nicely Nicely.

Well opiates and laxatives go hand in hand, it is kinda hard to imagine what morphine and meth did as a combo… seems almost like matter and antimatter?

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In my day, any kind of opiate / stimulant combination was a speedball, though I don’t know what the kids today are calling them.

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