Tennessee school safety officer arrests parent for calmly objecting to pick-up policy

He was really arrested for Contempt of Cop, and maybe they’ll tack on Resisting Authority. Thank goodness for camera phones.


What makes you believe they have ANY interest in doing THAT?

Cops are scum.

Tennessee cops are pond scum.

Of all the petty reasons to arrest someone…


Google Alert is your friend.

I wonder if we could convince the wacky Mad Max LARPers to adopt a change of scene? It sounds like they’d fit in perfectly.

No, it doesn’t. It is ultimately the state who allows laws negating that there is a general risk to life.

it is funny to read these responses. as a canadian, and as someone who lives 7 or 8 houses away from a school. I live down the street from the same school i went to twenty years ago. (well a new school built on the same lot, but anyways). there was no laws or policies anywhere remotely like this then and as far as i can see there isn’t now. the only cops i see are occasionally when i go to work in the morning, because their have been complaints about people parking where they aren’t supposed to when dropping their kids off.

but to read any of this nonsense in the article or comments is just more of ‘america the free’ free from universal health care, gun laws, proper taxes and common sense.

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You foreigners seem to have a funny idea that all Americans are the same person.


…So clearly he deserves to be dragged off in chains. Right? That’s your argument, yes?


The question of whether the parent was in the right, to ask that he be able to leave with his child immediately rather than after a long wait, is obviously a separate question from the one about whether the deputy was justified in arresting him. Obviously, there was no need to arrest him.

I’ve been puzzled by the phenomenon of parents picking up children from school. The schoolbuses I remember from childhood were horribly designed, and terribly overcrowded, and I wouldn’t wish that on kids. But, I don’t understand how there can be so many parents able to drive to a school to pick up kids hours before the end of normal business hours. How can so many two-income households manage this?

It doesn’t. You’re perpetuating an ignorant stereotype. Stop it.

Here’s a question: where did officer pepper spray work?


It seems more like the new policy only accounted for 3 ways for the kids to leave the school: in a car with a parent, on the bus, or walking by themselves. It must not have considered that a parent might walk to the school for the pick-up, so the safety officer didn’t know how to handle it and huffed-and-puffed until his brain short circuited, instead of using reason.

This traffic craziness happens at my kids’ school daily as well. I walk to pick my kids up (for my exercise, not for their safety’s sake), and see the parents break hundreds of traffic laws in the minutes leading up to and immediately after school lets out.

I’ve actually been told by several parents, who are in their cars, that I’m an irresponsible parent for letting my kids walk, because every driver around the school is crazy. the many drivers’ answers to fix the issuer is not to let their kids walk as well, thus relieving the traffic, but to demand pick up areas at the school, which the school has neither the money nor the space to provide.

No it’s accounted for it and they don’t want idiots doing it. What do you think happens to a neighborhood and school lobby when parents start parking a block away from the school parking on lawns, blocking driveways, crosswalks, mailboxes etc… Then all pile into the lobby of the school fighting to be first to get there precious little bundles…

The only reason why this guys plane seems to make sense and work is because he is the only one trying to break the rules to do it. Imagine next week when 50 other parents are trying to exploit this loophole.

I live a block away from a school it’s a nightmare of parents figuring out ways to screw each other and not wait in line for twenty minutes.

What about parents like me, who aren’t parking anywhere, just walking to the school to meet my kids? Why the hell couldn’t I get them when I get there? If the issue is traffic near the school then ticket the cars, not the parent walking.


It’s accounted for this guy just needs to sign the damn paper work and he’s free to meet his kid anywhere. Rules are made to control the assholes not the polite people. You know as well as I do the few rotten apples spoil the whole damn bunch.

The guy is asking the school for impossible conditions. He wants the school to allow his kids to walk but only when he is picking them up?

How the hell can they control that.

The guy is clearly a polite but belligerent asshole who has had school policy explained to him numerous times, by numerous people and plans on causing a disruption in the school lobby every single day. He clearly has no concern for saftey and just wants to skip the line and not wait.

Nope! It’s a military term for ‘unsubmissive’.

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In the video, we see him filling out the paper work. Later, he picks up the paper work he has just filled out and shows it to the deputy.

That’s a thing here which is largely a result of school bussing, which the US Supreme Court supported in favor of equalizing education opportunities and ending natural segregation where it occurred because people were (oh, horrors!) sending their kids to the schools in their own neighborhoods. This, instead of ordering the worse schools to be improved. Plenty of people protested it, as it was an unreasonable burden to them and their kids.

The very fact that a school employs rent-a-cops at all says they have far worse problems than a rent-a-cop could possibly solve.