He’s actually standing in front of it, but after the accident, he’s missing a large part of his right arm.
How many squirrels is that?
(Please be specific wether you calculate in American or European squirrels.)
So what you’re saying is that the quoted size isn’t technically wrong, but it is inflated?
I learned the hard way never to drink and derive.
Newton’s First Law FTW!
I’d like to see a Running Man, death cage type game with 2 teams, each having a different colored Beach Behemoth. Players each get 5 lawn darts and a shield. First team to pierce the other team’s ball wins. Some kind of defensive maneuver to redirect the opposing team’s darts would be neat. Maybe the entire arena is a massive trampoline so players can launch each other towards incoming darts.
He is behind the ball tbf.
I want one in gray stone texture so I can play Indiana Jones!
That thing just looks like litter.
Forever litter.
I’ve actually ordered from beachballs.com before. What a selection!
Why am I surprised that balls are sold with hypersexualized advertising?
Oh my, that’s a flashback right there… damn it, I might have to track down some of the collected comics now!
Have an earworm.
powerful orb
TFW someone makes a pun you really really wish you’d thought of.