Tesla is on the way to becoming the MyPillow of cars

And then there’s Toyota… and the Venza hybrid we got in 2021. Happy with the car; lost all respect for Toyota.



How long have you been hating that Prius now? Can it not just accidentally catch fire?


At about year 4, when things that shouldn’t break until about age 15 started breaking. Like the friggin’ heat shields on the exhaust.


At least in my car, the cupholders are in the armrests, which means if you want to use them, you immediately lose the use of the armrest, and risk dunking your drink if you set your arm down wrong.

You can see it here:

  • they basically slide back to reveal the cupholders, which go where your goddamn elbow should go.

Edit: removing link to commercial site, thought it was some weird fansite until I clicked on it.


Yup; All Tesla has to do is send an OTA to it that bricks it.

There’s been evidence that they’ve blacklisted people from using their supercharger network because ‘How Dare They Make Criticize Elon’ along with people who have purchased second hand units from non-tesla dealers.

Or uneven gaps between the panels. Or doors that don’t hang quite right. Or things like brake pads not getting put on all four wheels…

Uneven body panel gaps or large gaps? I would expect that from a budget car model, but when you get better build QC/QA from a Hyundai Accent or Honda Civic for less than half the price, that says something.

Was it this one, by any chance? (Or perhaps this one?)


Isn’t that how Musk does everything?


A Twitter thread referenced in that one - which brings up a bunch more fatal problems that aren’t mentioned in either of the articles (due to lack of space, presumably). So many things that I hadn’t thought about but when laid out made me realize they make the truck utterly unusable for its intended purpose.

It reminds me a lot of videogame vehicle design, where something gets done a certain way purely because it looks cool, without any consideration for practical issues, because there aren’t any, as there’s no intention to make the thing real. Which is perhaps what Musk did - he hired a costume designer to make the SpaceX spacesuit after all, the guy not realizing he was designing a real suit until sometime after the process started…

Yeah, exactly. He’s constantly Dunning-Krugering his way through everything, ignoring his engineers (and lawyers and…) but in this case it apparently extended to the entire design team. Unless Elon designed it, but he seems more like a seagull - flying in to shit all over everything, then flying away, not sitting down and coming up with whole designs.


That’s what I meant: Musk and his companies ignore outside expertise and think that they can start from zero and beat everyone else.


My Saab actually has a push button cupholder next to the CD holder. It is visually cool, but bad at holding coffee. https://i.imgur.com/kUWMRkK.gif

They Hypeloop and Boring company were incredibly successful projects. It just needs to be remembered that transportation and tunneling weren’t the product. The goal of the project was to offer a shiny bauble to keep policy makers from considering meaningful alternatives to private cars. Every MPO funded study was an immensely successful product launch.


To be fair, Hyperloop was never actually a serious proposition, but always intended to be nothing but a scam to try to convince politicians to not build public transportation… something which, I suppose, needs to be kept in mind whenever considering any of Musk’s other, ostensible plans and products.


LMAO, “luxury car”, until a real luxury car pulls up.


With the hope that California would slide back into requiring car makers to have a % of zero emissions vehicles, which created the 90s Saturn EV, then killed it, when the requirement was dropped.

Hitting that regulatory sweet-spot would probably have meant that a big car maker (lacking a production ev) might have partnered with them to meet California requirements. Then he could have sold Tesla over to them at the inflated stock price to be their new Tesla Division.

I think that day has come and gone, so he moved his HQ out of California.


Wow, that is dumb! At least the center console of the Prius is still useable as an armrest if you decide to use the armrest within. Sheesh.

My brothers both drive Teslas. They are gonna hate this!

Spongebob Squarepants Nickelodeon GIF


louise eye twitch


Tesla Investors Furious at Elon Musk for Vanishing During Crisis to Play With Shiny New Twitter


“Vanishing during crisis”

That crisis was entirely due to his vanishing and playing. Sounds like the investors are in denial or using cop tense.


In the absence of the chaos vortex, I wonder how SpaceX and Tesla are doing as companies (rather than as shiny investment bling)?


SpaceX is probably fine. Tesla is a better question, IMHO. How much of the processes were set up to depend on his input, if only for his ego, and are currently blocked.


Yeah, SpaceX has long had its day-to-day operation run by Gwynne Shotwell, who by most accounts is a competent executive and the “adult in the room” who can temper or dial back some of Musk’s craziest business decisions. Plus they don’t need to worry quite as much about stock price fluctuations because they aren’t a publicly traded company. But if and when he gets rid of her then anything could happen.