Tesla’s simpering chairperson insists Musk really deserves this $56 Billion

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/06/teslas-simpering-chairperson-insists-musk-really-deserves-this-56-billion.html




Well thank my lucky fuckin stars!


Even if one subscribes to the “great man” theory, and even if one believes Elon Musk to be such a man, you could hire a LOT of great men and women for $56 Billion.

Lose one narcissistic fascist manchild CEO in exchange for a team of the best engineers on the planet? Sounds like a pretty good investment to me.


Good Times Ahd GIF by ALLBLK


Any company that can’t suffer the loss of any one person isn’t structured properly. The board of directors should be fired.


I have a few Tesla shares I got a few years ago. I’ve already voted online on all the proposals. I voted ‘no’ on all the board recommended ones: they mostly fell into three categories:

  • Paying Elon way too much money
  • Adding/keeping his cronies on the board (including Elon’s brother and Rupert Murdoch’s son)
  • Reducing oversight

I just saw an ad to shareholders to A) Approve Muskrats’ salary B) Approve moving the HQ to Texas. I am not a shareholder.

Wow how screwed is Tesla?




If Elmo hits the bricks, does Tesla get their Nvidia chips back or will he stash them in a bankers box and take them home when he clears out his office?


Imagine how you’d feel if you heard Musk was leaving Tesla because they wouldn’t give him $56 billion, and coming to your company because they were giving him $56 billion.

I doubt I’d work there long, but I would probably try to clear out the office supply closet before I left.


Not that he deserves that money*, but as tesla is extremely overvalued because people bought his hype, it is not completely unreasonable to pay/bribe him hope to keep it going like that.
But, in that case the only winning move is not to play.

  • it is not even money, but stocks that also depend on the same hype and cannot even be cashed to close to the stated value.

Will someone please get his ass to Mars?


I’d be just as happy if he were deposited anywhere between here and there.


I guess this is what they mean when they say nobody wants to work anymore?


Serious question. Other than “I think we should make electric cars and I’ll invest in this company that already exists.” and “We should make the Cybertruck, it will be so funny.” what big ideas has Musk com up with at Tesla?

100% serious. I know he doesn’t do any of the actual engineering or programming. “Big Picture” ideas like “self driving cars” or “fast charging” literally are base level “wouldn’t it be cool if” brainstorming anyone could come up with.


Later, she implies that Musk could decamp to “other places” without proper motivation.

Whoa, you mean he might go off and fuck up some other company, instead? How are all these arguments for paying him actually great arguments against.

Elno threatened to leave Tesla a while ago, saying that if it wouldn’t invest in his AI/robotics whims, he might just have to go and do that stuff elsewhere… which seemed like a great idea. (Tesla has been struggling to be a car company, they really didn’t - and certainly don’t now - have the resources to go off on wild hairs chasing speculative business models in new technologies.) Seems like there’s a never ending list of things that would cause Elno to (threaten to) focus his attentions elsewhere - and with all them, Tesla would be better off if he did.

Except it is because he can’t provide the hype anymore - in fact, the opposite. Musk punctured his own hype bubble when he showed what a fucking idiot he is on Twitter. He’s now, demonstrably, harming Tesla’s image by being involved with it, and alienating the core market for the cars, at least in the US. The recent significant downturn in sales is at least in part down to him, personally.

He does seem to have a lot of input in Tesla, though not necessarily “big ideas.” Problem is, everything I’ve read about that he was pushing at Tesla was really bad - a lot of stupid ideas that didn’t help the company at all. (E.g. redesigning a part to “look better,” but which caused it to fail in any sort of icy weather…)


I would counter that “input” isn’t nearly the same as “ideas”. EVERYONE can come up with “input”.

I’ve worked with people who seem to insist on including their input, vs just letting me do my job. Occasionally they have a better idea/notice something I didn’t that needs fixed. Most of the time it is just different. And some times it makes things worse and I have to fight them on it.


I’ll do it for $10 billion. The board has a fiduciary responsibility to hire me instead of Elno.


Edited to reflect reality.