Tesla seems scared Musk's bloated pay package won't fly

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/05/14/tesla-seems-scared-musks-bloated-pay-package-wont-fly.html


I eagerly await someone to explain why this would be a good idea.

He is the largest single shareholder (~20%), but does nothing for the company. I don’t understand why any of the 80% that aren’t direct family/profit-from-his-profit would even think this would be good. If anything, he’s damaged their brand and I’d vote to Papa John the guy.


That’s absolutely pathetic and would be embarrassing if he had a sense of shame.

No serious investor is going to be swayed by a commercial, and the unserious ones (like the fanbois) already support him.


Tesla needs to have the balls to just oidashibeya Musk. Cut his pay to something “reasonable” to what he actually brings the company (what that is, I don’t know, but it shouldn’t start with a B).

I feel like Tesla could restructure and weather increased competition to continue to exist, but they won’t continue to exist if they listen to and implement Musk’s shit ideas, and pay him stupid levels of money nowhere near equating his work value.

Surely they got some other executive who is half way charismatic they could use to position the company as turning over a new leaf and a new commitment to EVs? Because currently Musk is wearing an albatross with a millstone around its neck.


Musk brings a shit-spraying fountain of bad press to the company on its downhill slide, and the shareholders are supposed to believe that his efforts deserve this ridiculous pay package? Even after the courts have denied it once?

Talk about delusional!


It should absolutely start with a B, it’s commiserate with what he provides the company.

Falling Down Art GIF by grantkoltoons

Unfortunately, that’s not the B they’re voting on.


Electric car market seems to be a wild ride.

  • Biden putting a %100 tax on Chinese imports.
  • China, and everybody dumping these on the market.
  • Ford loosing $100k on each electric truck.
  • Government subsides to any new factory, in the billions of dollars.
  • A slow but steady adoption, nothing earth shattering.
  • After ten years of these electric cars, a realization that the batteries only last about 10 years, and the car is scrap, since it is too expensive to put in a new battery.
  • Prices dropping quickly.

I almost am tempted to buy Tesla stock so I can vote against this


Tesla is particularly bad at this despite designing the some of the Model S versions to support full battery pack replacement. The reason it is so expensive is because Tesla won’t allow any other company to do this kind of work and any car owner (read: software licensee) who succeeds in having this kind of work done risks being permanently blacklisted from Tesla’s services.

This gross strangle-hold on 3rd party parts and repairs is choking the EV market’s long-term prosperity in the name of shareholders. The battery should be something that can improve when new technology becomes available. ICE tech is far into the realm of diminishing returns (and thermodynamic limits) but batteries are still in the early part of the curve.


I don’t accept this argument of waiting for the teleology to get better. The first lithium-ion batteries went into commercial production in 1991. That’s 33 years ago.

Mandate that all lithium-ion batteries can be replaceable in under a few hours, in electric cars; and all electronics. Batteries should be easy to replace, manufacturers choose not to.


I want to say I saw some series about how they were looking to have swappable battery places as a option for essentially fuel locations are for gasoline cars. I mean that sounds, in my slightly-scifi-thinking brain, to make a lot of sense.

Swap out discharged one, pop in fully charged one, off you go. Charge discharged one for next customer. Maybe it’ll get as easy as putting new AA’s in the clock.


If they don’t have competitive pay, how will they attract the top talent? /s


They’re trying to cut overhead by laying off employees. I have one simple trick to achieving that goal.


No executive in the history of the world has been worth that kind of money


The chinese ev already did that. The thing is if they can’t corner the market, they won’t allow anyone else to do it.


It’s a concept. It will only work if all EVs have the same battery packs and there are lots more batteries per vehicle. Neither of which is going to happen.

The way people are charging their cars right now works fine. It happens overnight while you sleep, or at the supermarket while you’re shopping, that kind of thing. It’s a different mindset to driving a petrol car.

The main problem with the current model is that people who don’t have off-street parking are at a disadvantage.


I agree that’s one way to go about it but there is multiple problems with it currently.

Like you said, people parking on the street are at disadvantage because there is no infrastructure to support them. Install an at-home cost about $1500-3000 and you’re usually needed to be homeowner which majority of people parking on the street are not. They’re at mercy of their landlord or the state.

Second, most homes in US were built half century ago, with terrible wiring, which maybe bad even if you put 120v charger (not talking about 240V) in it because of the high load. They may not be able to bear the high load.

Third, in my opinion, the elephant in the room, is the degrading grid. Everyone is talking about convert existing ICE to EV but the grid can’t handle the full load if all the cars are converted to EV and charging up at night. Right now, it works because the load is still under the baseline that power companies have to keep to make the grid happy so they sell these power at a loss because it was underutilized but with the EV adoption going, that may change.

With all the above, there should be a mix between all changing medium to make sure accessibility as easy as possible. Standardize battery, charging plug, and third party parts and services will also help. They’re the key to adoption. As its current state, I see EV is nothing more than a fancy toy for people with spare cash to burn. We don’t have time for it to “trickle” down to all socioeconomic level.


Might be more worth it than just voting against it. Even one share could buy you a few minutes at the annual general meeting podium to forcefully (and cathartically) air your views. Tesla’s shareholder bylaws would touch on reqs for speaking at one of their agms.


I think Europe has an automatic advantage from our 240V domestic setup. Any British home which can boil a kettle can charge a car, if there’s a socket close enough to the parking place. Local councils are putting chargers into street light poles, for people without their own parking.

Obviously it’s not everything it should be. The grid needs to be upgraded and more solar and wind needs to be connected, to bring down energy prices. A lot of people will install rooftop solar and charge during the day.

The changeover will take 25-30 years, while the last ICE cars sold in 2030-35 wear out and get replaced. It will be the same as the period 100 years ago when ICE infrastructure had to be built up from non-existent.


I can’t see that ad as being anything other than a cultish portrayal of Musk as being another Thomas Edison (who, btw, allowed and encouraged the press to paint him as the sole inventor of everything that came out of his factories).