Tesla seems scared Musk's bloated pay package won't fly

$55bn? Totally worth it just for the grey Lego version of “The Homer” alone. :smiley:


his chair of the board main pr-puppet: hold my beer;


I saw an Op Ed suggesting that they are in a bind. The opinion is that the whole empire is on the verge of tanking and no one wants to be at the wheel of a hot mess that will dwarf Enron. This also gives the inner team more time to unload more shares.


Toadies like Denholm and Yaccarino must be currently siphoning off tens of millions of dollars from the companies at the moment, because they they’re both sacrificing their reputations and future career prospects on behalf of this clown.

My guess is that Denholm is trying to pull out enough cash to bring her net worth up to half a billion in USD, the only kind of money that will make up for her being a laughingstock.

When this is over, it’s going to make the WeWork grifter look like a piker (if Musk wins) or a criminal mastermind (if Musk loses).


That suggests that “reasonable” compensation for Musk would actually be… a negative amount of money?




I mean, it’s pretty clear that he’s lost more than $55 billion of value in his companies of late. Why should he get to pull stuff out and further dilute everyone else’s cut when he hasn’t returned the profit to pay for it? What will he even do to justify the value of that $55 billion? Ain’t nothing he’s touching lately actually growing.

When Ghosn tried to take a bonus off of restructuring Nissan, he nearly lost the company due to a supplier revolt. Why the hell should you pay the execs first before they produce results worth it? Worst case? Musk quits or sells?


That’s worst? Sounds like best to me.


People are still buying shares??

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why shouldnt they? tesla shares will be worth $10,000 each in a few years…/s

‘Worst case’ in that it’s the Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement. Not exactly holding them over a barrel, is it?

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