Tesla’s simpering chairperson insists Musk really deserves this $56 Billion


Yeah, we’ve got both direct and indirect evidence - indirect in that Tesla sales are down (while others are up), and direct in that surveys show people strongly associate Musk with Tesla, and their view of Elno has suffered since he took over Twitter.

83 percent of Americans it surveyed associated Tesla with Musk, with Caliber CEO Shahar Silbershatz telling Reuters that it’s “very likely that Musk himself is contributing to the reputational downfall.” Additional data supplied to Reuters by brand valuation consultancy Brand Finance show a similar decline in Tesla’s reputation among consumers in the Netherlands, US, UK, France, and Australia between 2023 and 2024.

a separate study by consumer analytics firm CivicScience showed 42 per cent of those surveyed had a negative view of Musk, compared to 34 per cent in April 2022


That probably applies to every field that Musk has “disrupted”.


Well, you see, you fail to remember the basic principle: it’s not about what’s good for the company. The real right and moral is what is good for the shareholders. Employes, contactors, suppliers and customers be damned. If they want the corporation to consider their needs, they should have been born into wealth then purchased it!

I was actually reading an (Australian) law case the other day and the judge said something like “it’s hars to conceive of a situation in which an unlawful act is in the best interests of a company or shareholders” when discussing duties of company directors. I was like “are you that endearingly naive? Lying? Or cleverly attempting to set precedent?”. I mean, this is a country where bowling over sacred sites then paying minor fines was indeed a mere “cost of doing business”. IANAL btw, was helping a friend who was studying parse a sentence.


We want those ideas, that energy and that time to be at Tesla, for the benefit of you, our owners.

Owners have got what they ordered and need no more ideas. Oh, wait, you mean those ideas that mean they wake up one morning and find the car’s software has been updated and the car now does new bizarre things you have no control over? No thanks.

would make Musk the most highly compensated chief executive in modern history, is “not about the money,”

Ok, but then he says

Musk needs “motivation” in the form of the largest pay package ever approved

Make your fucking mind up, you fuckwit.

ETA, the answer, of course, is that it is as usual all about Lone Skum’s ego. He needs to be able to say “I’m the most highly paid CEO ever” (and probably “because I’m worth it”, but if that’s all he wants maybe he should just buy some L’Oreal products.)

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“If you don’t think fart noises are hilarious, then you don’t deserve a Tesla.”
— Elon Musk, probably.


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