And for freedom of speech…
Prior to independence they were known as ‘Texians’.
But, yeah, that’s why the war was fought in 1836, as well as the one later on.
Well, forget about that:
RWNJ wamts to make the bible the official book of Texas
" The resolution, filed by State Rep. Glenn Rogers, explained the Bible has served as a source of “wisdom and inspiration” for Texas historical figures like Davy Crockett and Sam Houston…
“As a prominent element in the rich fabric of our Texas heritage, the Bible is truly deserving of such acknowledgment,” the resolution said.
The short resolution doesn’t outline which Bible would become the state’s official book, however…"
I expect there to be a bitter fight over which version of the Unerring Word of gahd to adopt.
They may well do that in the next session after the gerrymandering & voting restrictions take effect. I doubt they will stop there.
It’s the party of Freedom for Me, but not for Thee, & throw in a few glugs of Social Darwinism into the mix.
might make students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress
I wonder who these people call “snowflakes”?
That is a wild inclusion. There’s nothing all that objectionable in that book - besides the fact it is explicitly anti-fascist.
And then there’s this one:
Avoiding bullies? : skills to outsmart and stop them
Holy crap.
ETA: Holy Crap:
Teen legal rights
Do abstinence programs work?
Separate is never equal
Abortion : opposing viewpoints
The common thread (which should not be a surprise) is they want to ban anything which presents a viewpoint other than their own. Far beyond their stated reasons.
Driving around the last few days has pretty much convinced me that “fuck” is now the favorite word of the Right - you know the people with the god fearing high moral values. Fuck you, fuck biden, fuck your feelings, fuck it, fuck this, fuck that, etc is plastered on every other vehicle I come across. And the more jacked up the truck is the bigger the signage (and lower the IQ I’m guessing). Once again proving that the only good thing about Trump was that now I can easily identify the people I don’t want to associate with.
In answer to the question of whether they actually read these books or not, they couldn’t even be bothered to read the full title of this book. They probably got to the words “race, gender, and identity” and said “it’s going on the list!”
The same people who will ban a book for containing the word “fuck”.
The victims of Norsefire were socialists, LGBTQ+ and BAME people.
It’s totally not cool to make an asshole feel bad for being an asshole.
Conservatives in general are for small government, less regulations, less tax, more freedom for big business and rich people; but big government, more regulations, more tax, less freedom for small people, poor people, sick people.
didn’t right wingers once reflexively criticize the concept of “self esteem”?
Maybe they believed that without an exaggerated estimation of ones own situation, one would never seek out “God”.
They would like to make banned books week all year.
While they may succeed in keeping these titles out of TX schools, they’ve inadvertently given many titles more publicity than they could have ever hoped for otherwise. (the Streisand Effect) The titles end up in banned book reading lists and displays promoted in bookstores and libraries all over the place. At least in the more progressive places. Forget the best sellers lists, give banned books to your friends and family for the holidays!
Well, you don’t eat it, son, your read it.
“Fuck Cuomo” written with assault rifles is still a popular sticker in my part of NY even though he left office months ago lol
Conservatives are people who think that authoritarians are anarchists, and accuse anarchists of being authoritarians
Until this expands to other spheres, like public libraries and book stores. Not allowing students to get a well-rounded education that addresses inequality is a disaster for our country.
“Let’s go Brandon”
“or contain material that might make students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress because of their race or sex or convey that a student, by virtue of their race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously”
Cowards. Youth don’t need their heads buried in the sand, they deserve to face the truths and make the choices that you folks have structured your entire lives around avoiding. They’re stronger and better and your pathetic efforts to indoctrinate them will fail.
So it’s interesting that the issue rallying Republicans right now is fears of “woke” people who are “easily offended” enacting “cancel culture” and they’re using this rallying cry to… be exactly the thing they’re accusing the left of being. Except reversed - instead of being sensitive to how racism and sexism impact people of color and women, it’s about being sensitive to how racism and sexism impact young white people and potentially makes them uncomfortable when they realize their own privilege.
Sure. Fuck your feelings. My feelings, on the other hand, are the only thing that matters…
I’m increasingly convinced that the right-wing freak out over “cancel” culture is about one thing and one thing only - they’re upset that they no longer have the cultural monopoly on finding things offensive. “Other people’s feelings must be taken into account!? Intolerable!”
Anyone who notices I’m an asshole/racist is the real asshole/racist!
Or, to put it another way:
Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect…
I never really thought about it before, but it occurs to me: straight white boys have measurably more self-esteem than other kids. We know this for a fact. Thanks to sexist, racist and homophobic ideals and standards, we have a culture that heaps criticisms and finds fault with anyone who diverges from being a straight white cis male, diminishing their self-esteem, so the battle against encouraging self-esteem and this fight are, in fact, the exact same thing. It’s not about discouraging “unearned” self-esteem, it’s about keeping the balance of power the way it’s traditionally been, as all by itself self-esteem is a potent life advantage.