Texas stripper asks police to protect her from conservative Christian state senator

Many/most of the individuals in the Texas History textbook weren’t Texans. either.


I came in to say just that. Protective orders can be many things but they cannot be threats.


“who compared the “spiritual battle” of God-Fearing Americans to the Holocaust when he was sworn in.”

So we have certainly nuts on the one hand (there’s the possibility that he’s not actually delusional but rather is a psychopath calculatedly pandering to a delusional audience, but that seems to be the less likely explanation to me, and would still arguably be nuts) and no data to indicate nuts or not, ergo no more likely nuts than a member of the general public, on the other hand.


If they go 1,3,7,4,5 then yes they count as Texan. Just kidding, but I couldn’t resist. Go Eagles!

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It’s “exotic dancer,” not “stripper,” you insensitive clod!

(For future reference: “prostitute,” not “whore.”)

It said stripper in the headline. I call fair.

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Hell yes they do! I was born in Austin, and my Dad in San Antonio & my Mom in Dallas. 100% Texan (and 100% Democratic, too…fsck-ing Republicans)

Well… She could know there’s cameras because this State Senator, or one of his lackeys said something to her that included only information someone who’s been inside her house knows.

“I saw you put down non-slip daisy stickers in your shower, and I noticed you’ve been watching a lot of Mad Men. I also like Mad Men.”

You can deduce if someone who shouldn’t have, has been in your house, or has access to cameras in it if they aren’t careful with information hygiene. That’s like Sherlock Holmes 101.

Which isn’t to say that I necessarily believe her claims about the cameras. Just that it’s not reasonable to write them off.


yes, as long as they remember Holiday House, Fran’s, and Tamale House #3

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Obification sounds painful. Is that where a woman goes from Jedi Knight to desert hermit uncle?

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No, of course not. I believe the correct nomenclature for people born in Austin is “Godless pinko liberal commie bastards.”


Also, it’s “sartorially uninhibited entertainer”: the word “exotic” has such horribly orientalist overtones.

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Don’t forget patchouli scented hippie. Non-native Austinites are issued their first upcycled bottle the day we arrive.

Austin, putting the People’s back in the Republic of Texas :thumbsup:

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Yea, I was mostly joking, but the word “stripper” does carry negative connotations in many circles (including with some performers I’ve known).

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