Texas teacher claims Obama worked as a prostitute

Only a mayor? I’m surprised she isn’t running for president yet.


This problem reared one of its uglier heads with the Swift Boaters in 2004. Their (alleged) libel arguably cost Kerry the election.

What if anyone could file a libel claim on a victim’s (in this case, Obama’s) behalf? I can’t decide whether it would be a great way to keep people honest, or a total free speech disaster.


Teach the controversy, I always say!

After all, he hasn’t denied being a gay prostitute in the 80s, has he? Rather suspicious!


It’s a pleasant thought, but one of the reasons you can’t usually file a lawsuit on a third party’s behalf (i.e., where you have no “standing”) is that when you make someone a defendant, you give them the right to defend themselves against whatever charge you’re bringing. In the case of a libel suit, that would mean allowing them “discovery” on, for example, the truth of their allegedly libelous statements.

So the suit would fail the moment Obama refused to sit for a deposition about his alleged gay prostitute days, or turn over his personal letters from the time in question, and so forth. Which virtually nobody would agree to in a similar situation, even if they weren’t the president, or else they’d be filing the suit themselves.

The whole question of how much lying we should let people get away with, as both a civil and criminal matter, is a really interesting area of legal history. The answer usually ends up being “a lot more than we’d like.”


This is why we can’t have nice things.


We had a case here where one local politician, who happens to be a sociopath, said upsetting (but far milder) things about another local politician. I asked the non-sociopath why she didn’t sue, and she said that she’d have to prove damages. In other words, no blood, no foul.

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Obama worked as a prostitute

The Climate Change HOAX was Karl Marx’s idea

I’m interested to know what makes a person’s brain come up with this sort of garbage. Does she have a newsletter? I’m tempted to subscribe, because I bet it reads like an issue of the Weekly World News.


Bruner, in fact, has written about the extinction of dinosaurs. “When the flood waters subsided and rushed into the oceans there was no vegetation on the earth because the earth had been covered with water…”

Sounds legit!


Well, one of the reasons, anyway.

“Texas mayor” and “Texas Board of Education candidate” are going to give “Florida Man” a real run for its money as the go-to shorthand for “crazy asshole.”

Also: Christ, what a Texas mayor.


But how does she know? Clearly she knows, but is not willing to disclose, which elderly GOP senators are most likely to seek out slender, handsome young mixed-race men, of an evening?


The same LBJ that said that Republicans couldn’t pour piss out of a cowboy boot if the instructions were written on the sole?


For these types of people it’s just…personality disorder.
It makes them feel better, so they do it.

(obviously it’s a bit more complex, but that’s more or less what happens in the moment for people, I think.)


That’s the one. Colourful character.


LBJ. Bastard, but witty, amusing bastard who’d make a great TV presenter nowadays. Imagine him interviewing Trump. Or this mayor.


In fact, they resemble nothing so much as those infuriated Iranian mobs screaming “Death to America”, or Osama bin Laden ranting about crusaders, but they wouldn’t see the similarity.


Actually, I’m not sure that this was true before Common Core. The social science books used in California had the California State Standards listed on every section.

I haven’t seen the new texts since CC, but I’m fairly certain the standards don’t cater to Texas.

Not TDazzle or H2O Flow?

Kept losing his money and his knife out of the pocket. Little diff’rent from the cast of colorful characters we have now.

IIRC, CC doesn’t have anything to do with social studies or history at this point.