Texas teacher claims Obama worked as a prostitute

He’s like 'Murica’s answer to Khrushchev.

Yes, you’re correct. But they are working to unify curriculum content for the many states that are signing on to CC. And only then will 10+ y-o textbooks be replaced.

You can’t fix stupid.

And stupid people get to vote. For (as it appears in this case) other stupid people.

And so it goes.


So a number of American politicians (Republicans) have completely given up the pretense that they’re not racist bigots?


Easy, man, don’t disparage loons. They’re fine birds.


Early onset dementia?

But that doesn’t explain who voted her into office …

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The reason is that Texas orders textbooks as a single order for the entire state. This dwarfs any other order. A textbook publisher isn’t going to go out of business if a school district here or there stops buying their textbooks, but if someone in Texas doesn’t like your book, that’s a multi-million (billion?) dollar cancellation.


When I worked in downtown Austin (about 20 years ago) there was still a men’s clothing store among the few remaining retailers. On the wall, they had bronzed(?) photographs of LBJ visiting the store back in the 60s (or perhaps earlier). It seemed as though nothing had changed at the store (inventory, furnishings, fixtures etc.) since LBJ’s visit. The sales clerk was about my age but that was it.

In hindsight I feel bad for them if LBJ’s shopping trip there was anything like the time he ordered trousers from Haggar…


She went full Texas.

You never go full Texas.


Difficult to even formulate a reply to someone so immersed in TEH STOOPIT.

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Hmm I think they added a few things since I was last there, but that still falls under English. Look at the standards, no where does it mention you have to learn about Thomas Jefferson or not, or that Karl Marx invented the Climate Change hoax. It’s all more to do with learning reasoning and research skills.

I think that while she has opened herself up to a slander suit (one the president would never follow up on) but not a criminal charge. The key difference being making an accusation and making an official report of a crime. I think it’s only illegal to make a false report to the police, not the media or electorate.

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Thanks Obama! For everything!

Please drone her, Obama.

Not without an extensive and well-funded state education system, you can’t.


Rednecks have a very interesting form of arrested adolescence. Every quote here sounds like something said solely to test whether the recipient is up for a fistfight. If you are unwilling to be manipulated into fisticuffs by a yahoo, then you are a vagina. Both outcomes are somehow undesirable.


I’m not going to just write this off. Mary Lou Bruner is a recognized expert on hiring prostitutes.


Well, we had a Chancellor who went to court when it was alleged that he dyed his hair.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure she didn’t come up with this, it’s been one of many weird conspiracy theories the conservative fringes have been promoting from day one. In fact, that’s probably why she’s so comfortable repeating it, she heard it on the Michael Savage show, so it must be true.

There’s also the one about Obama’s mother appearing in porn and his real father was a well-known American Communist.

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