Texas woman points gun at child, 7, trick-or-treating outside her home

yeah, well personal responsibility is not something that concerns larger society. It’s PERSONAL. /s

Someday we’ll find one. I’m sure all these yahoos are just outliers, and that a desire to own a gun isn’t indicative of anything else about them.

In a very warped way, I kind of understand her confusion. When your entire culture worships guns, displays them all the time, etc etc, I can see a person being like… “wait… in this situation… gun bad? I can’t use gun?”

The NSSF, which I assume is a representative trade industry group, states

Never point your gun at anything you do not intend to shoot. This is particularly important when loading or unloading a firearm. In the event of an accidental discharge, no injury can occur as long as the muzzle is pointing in a safe direction.

So, we’ve established intent to wound, or kill a child. Most societies would believe that this is evil. The traditional legal standard for insanity (M’Naghten) states:

that to establish a defense on the ground of insanity, it must be clearly proved that, at the time of the committing of the act, the party accused was labouring under such a defect of reason, from disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing; or if he did know it, that he did not know he was doing what was wrong

Individuals who can mount a successful insanity defense are usually statutorily prohibited from possessing firearms.

Evil, or morally naive*, it amounts to the same thing-- she should not be allowed to possess a gun.

*(In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, I’m going to go with evil)

The problem is, there were not enough "GGWG"s to take out the bad woman with a gun in a timely manner. If only Texas gun laws had been relaxed earlier! /s


Having lived in DC when the gun laws we DC citizens voted for were thwarted by the federal congress, I find this article bringing up a lot of that old anger and frustration. It was a great city to live in, but the lack of representation was tough. I hope they make progress shrinking the “Capitol” to be the mall and federal buildings and make the rest of the city it’s own thing.


Yeah, well personal freedom ends when it usurps the right to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. You gun fetishists are all about your own freedom, but no one else’s.

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