Thanks to vaping, decades of anti-smoking progress in teens has been wiped out

You said yourself vaping is a nicotine delivery mechanism. Trouble is it’s a much more expensive habit than smoking, and often people will resort to cigarettes to ease their nicotine craving as a result.

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Um… that’s… patently untrue:


kinda like candy/dessert flavored alcohol.

THANK YOU. Sick of the disinformation and concern trolling.


Jesus, are you serious?

Anything can poison you if you take too much of it.

Better stop all those kids from drinking water!


Where are you even getting this?

A pack of 4 Juul pods is 16 bucks (this is literally the price on their page). One Juul pod contains 20 cigarettes’ worth of nicotine. A pack of cigs in NYC costs a minimum of $14. There’s nowhere in the US you can buy a pack of cigarettes for 4 bucks.

(And yes, I’m aware you need to buy an inhaler. That’s a one-time cost, if you smoke two Juul pods in NYC it’s already paid for itself…

What is with this new puritanism that makes people say profoundly dishonest things (like "vaping is much more expensive habit than smoking) in an effort to prevent people from doing things they enjoy that don’t hurt anyone?

This is reminding me of the Four Loko hysteria, where people kept pointing out that a can of Four Loko has as much caffeine as a cup of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, and as much alcohol as wine!


We get it. You vape.


This is hilarious.

Boingboing readers are almost uniformly pro-legalization. So smoking weed is okay, even though it causes many (but not all) of the same respiratory tract issues as smoking tobacco does. But here’s something that doesn’t cause any of those respiratory issues at all, doesn’t cause cancer, etc etc. and it’s bad…because there are corporations involved. The actual harm reduction and health benefits are irrelevant, vaping has to be as bad as smoking because corporations.


Nope. Maybe once a year I’ll have a cigar at a holiday or something, although the next morning the taste in my mouth reminds me why I do it only once a year or so. Other than that, I don’t use nicotine in any form. I do drink a lot, though. Does that meet with your approval, or have I sinned against your vengeful god?



I mean… are you getting paid by the nicotine lobby or what? Water, unlike nicotine, is a necessary part of human existence. Nicotine is not some harmless chemical. Nicotine kills people, primarily through an addictive product ingested through smoking, which has been shown to be incredibly hard to kick for many people. It’s’ not the smoking part that primarily addicts people, it IS the nicotine that does. That’s just facts, man. You do you, but don’t come here dropping a bunch if ill-informed propaganda and not expect push back, especially when I’m going to guess that probably plenty of people here have lost family members to this particular addiction.





So…if you get rid of the smoking…the problem is what? Being addicted to something that does no harm is not a problem, unless you are a Puritan who want to prevent people from being unclean in the eyes of God or something.

Alcohol is an addictive recreational chemical that kills about 90,000 people every year in the US alone. This includes not only the people who consume it, but innocent passersby. It markedly shortens the lifespans of hundreds of thousands of more people.

Do you support alcohol prohibition? Why not? Do you work for Suntory or something?


Nicotine being an addictive substance that is harmful to human health. It’s not rocket surgery my dude…

No. Vape till your hearts content for all I care. Just don’t act like all the possible effects are well known or understood at this point, especially where nicotine is concerned.

Also, maybe stop making this silly connections and calm the fuck down, dude. No one is taking your vape pipe away. No one cares what you do to your body that much, as long as you’re not blowing it in other’s faces. It’s not like this is a civil right that is being violated by talking about substances and whether or not they are harmful to the human body.


You yourself said “Nicotine kills people, primarily through an addictive product ingested through smoking,”

So again: if you get rid of the smoking, then nicotine doesn’t kill people, so its addictive properties are irrelevant.

This is the exact opposite of what you and the other neopuritans have expressed elsewhere in this thread.


We’re also almost uniformly pro-responsible usage and marketing. Juul targetting adolscents and teenagers and children as addiction targets for its nicotine-delivery system – behaving like the scumbag tobacco companies did, right out of the gate – isn’t going to gain it many defenders here.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for idiots who want to look cool while getting their nicotine hit using these gadgets instead of cigarettes. But let’s not pretend that just because there’s no second-hand smoke that there won’t be healthcare costs to society* from whatever garbage is being inhaled by users (I’ve read article citing things like formaldehyde, trace lead, plastic particles) along with the addictive and difficult-to-withdraw-from nicotine. And let’s not pretend that these corporations are behaving ethically.

[* which, contrary to view of Thatcher and her “mommy can’t tell me what to do!” Libertarian fanbois, does exist]


Yes… and?

Feel free to drink up nicotine based “juice” if you’d like. That’s not something I’d let, say, kids do…

Nicotine BY ITSELF very much can KILL people. It’s not harmless, as you keep trying to claim. The facts are NOT on your side here.

Stop. Just stop. No one said YOU can’t vape… the world is really not out to get you and it’s not all about YOU. Just because you think vaping is the bee’s knees, doesn’t mean we can’t have an adult conversation about the possible bad implications of vaping. People are well aware of the negative side effects of drinking and many of us continue to drink, even while being well aware of the possible dangers. Having a conversation about a substance and understanding possible negatives is part the decision making process of being an adult and deciding what to ingest as an adult. Your willfully ignoring the reality of nicotine’s addictive properties and dangers because you like to vape isn’t being an adult, it’s being willfully ignorant.


ETA - CDC link on nicotine:

Which says

Exposure to relatively small amounts can rapidly be fatal.

I know, the CDC are a bunch puritans out to spoil all your fun, but there it is. Make of that what you will.


Sort of:


this is where i wish we had effective regulations, because while it’s probably just scare mongering - who really does knows what “extra” there is in vape pods or cigarettes right now? over the years there’s definitely been some evil $#&!.

im in the camp where i think the advertising and age restrictions for vaping should be the same as for cigarettes - but also fully ready to believe that vaping can be less harmful and don’t necessarily need the same second-hand related restrictions.

in that same vein, im definitely baffled by people who are okay with weed but not with vaping. it doesn’t seem logically consistent to me. i figure some part of it must flow from the dislike of the bro-dude culture that’s sprung up around vaping.


Again, for me, personally, it’s a case of you do you. Just like I’m not keen on cigarette smoke or weed smoke being blown in my face, I’m not too keen on vape smoke being blown in my face. I honestly don’t care how “safe” vaping is. I have no problem with people smoking whatever or vaping whatever. Just, you know, people be cognizant and respectful of others space. I don’t think that’s too problematic, is it?

It’s really just from the “I don’t want shit blown in my face” culture… I’d like to think that’s okay, but apparently, some people see it as a serious civil rights violation (not saying you are of course, just making a general statement here). Dude-bro culture is annoying with or without the vaping, tho! :wink:


And in case anyone missed it, you cannot make a distinction between Juul and Big Tobacco because Juul now is Big Tobacco.