Thanks to vaping, decades of anti-smoking progress in teens has been wiped out

Most Soap Bar comes from fucking Holland,
They make it out of oil, and tires and pollen,
Diesel, Miramar, Flat-Press too;
These are types of Soap Bar available to you,
These little bits of plastic you find inside;
You can use those as a quality guide,
Of the standard of Soap Bar that you are smoking,
The more bits of plastic means the better the toking.

Got halfway thru the comments, gave up and literally scrolled down to post exactly this. “New chart shows: thanks to vaping, smoking drops 50% among teens who didnt respond to years of messaging.” And the messaging was never anti-nicotine, it was anti-smoking, because science flash, smoking kills; nicotine is a mild psychoactive naturally occurring drug, pleasant to many humans.


Probably less bad. Because vaping is largely unproven technology and the long term effects are still unknown.

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Big tobacco is quietly moving into position to benefit either way.

I think they’re more or less format agnostic as along as they can continue to push their poison.


If I may get sciency for a moment, there is some research on nicotine and the effects thereof:


Nicotine is well known to have serious systemic side effects in addition to being highly addictive. It adversely affects the heart, reproductive system, lung, kidney etc. Many studies have consistently demonstrated its carcinogenic potential. [Table 1] The only other known use of nicotine has been as an insecticide since 17th century.[4] After World War II, its use has declined owing to the availability of cheaper, more potent pesticides that are less harmful to mammals. The environment Protection Agency of United States has banned use of nicotine as a pesticide from 1st January 2014.[4] India, one of the largest producer and exporter of nicotine sulphate, has progressively banned its use as agricultural pesticide.[5] We undertook this review to evaluate the systemic adverse effects of nicotine.

As far as the “you do you” I really do not have a problem with that, other than the fact that it is almost impossible to achieve. Smokers have cost insane amounts of money to our healthcare system, and while I absolutely agree vaping is less dangerous, it is less dangerous in the same way being shot with a .22 is less dangerous than being shot with a .45. Not being shot is much better, but I guess I would choose the “not shot at all” option. We honestly do not know what the costs of vaping will pan out to be, but I am certain it will be more than none. The other part that I have issues with is marketing to kids. While they may not be obviously doing so, in the same way Zima was not obviously marketing to high school kids, the effect is that kids are getting hooked young. There are no good sides to that.


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It’s also a rather effective pesticide:

Nor is it great for humans; an oral dose of 0.5g (admittedly, a significant amount) is probably lethal.

So there’s that.


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So is cayenne pepper powder but I wouldn’t want to fucking inhale it. Breathing and eating are very very different things.


Can’t they stick to something safe like weed?

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But if you are a vaper, you haven’t really quit, have you? You are basically like people who give up heroin by getting hooked on methadone.


It really is ironic how positive BB is about smoking weed, which is going to be much worse for your lungs than vaping.


Its all about the risk / reward ratio.

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And twisty glass blunts. Don’t forget the twisty glass blunts.