That 1973 Barry Manilow scored Spaghetti-Os commercial where everyone is tripping balls

That pairing could have been an absolute hoot.

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I still love them too. Spagettios with Meatballs have been a comfort food for me since my mom would smuggle them into my hospital room in a Thermos bottle when I was recovering from a fractured femur when I was a kid. I am 50 now, but I still keep a few cans in the pantry for bad days when I need cheering up. They never fail to make me feel better.


No need to be embarrassed, sez I. I thought it meant that Barry M kept score during the shoot on how many people fell off their horsies. :wink:


Hate to spoil the moment but, that’s not the trippiest spaghetti-os commercial. This one is


WTAF??? Was that a commercial for Chef Boyardee or recreational hallucinagins?

I have this weird feeling Donnie Osmand and Lil Yachty both woke up the next day and thought “Dude, what a weird fucking dream.”

Better ending!

Split screen of Donnie O and Lil Yachty waking up in their beds to a clock radio of their song looking confused. (Each facing the outside of the TV screen) they both start to turn over saying something like “Man, I had this really weird dream…”

Kill the split screen and pull back to reveal they’re in the same bed and the black and white Chef Boyardee is laying in the middle between them.

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