Originally published at: That time that Kenner released a torture chamber playset | Boing Boing
let us not forget the aurora model company monster movie line–
Aww, you had to buy both to get Klaatu, Barada, and Nikto.
I tortured green army men with a can of WD-40, some matches, and a pair of pruning sheers. I didn’t need a play set to get that job done.
Oh, right, that’s the one I had. A friend got the Jabba the Hut version. It had a much cooler looking droid. I just got the Gonk droid.
I like to think of it as Jabba’s Eco-friendly Droid Recycling Collective.
“Enhanced interrogation”, anyone?
Nothing would be as creepy-tortury to me as the interrogation droid (that needle! And since NOMAD primed us for it, floating droids are extra creepy), which it turns out also had a toy?
Also Han Solo on the rack!
“Klaatu barada nikto” –– and we all know where that came from…?
IIRC, the toy itself was originally a droid building kit for the Jawas from the first movie. One of the first “just off screen” toys.
I do remember the original scene in RotJ freaked me out a bit. But not nearly as bad as the torture scene in The Last Starfighter. While not graphic, it went on too long with too real of screams.
a rebranding of an earlier Star Wars Droid Factory playset.
heh. “rebranding”
It seems like these were playsets that appeal to completist collectors, not actual children. What child would have received one of these and thought, “Neat, a simple platform and little crane thing, wow that’s exciting!” When I think of the types of Star Wars toy sets I wanted as a child (and, if I had ever received one, would have doubtless have been almost instantly bored with), this would not have been one of them.
They were for Sears and the parents doomed to shop for Christmas presents there.
Oh! I forgot about the droid parts. I was five and promptly broke or lost most of them. That was cool.
I’ve seen the movie. What an extraordinary rendition.
Or the Mad Scientist torture toys I’ve mentioned before.
yeah, i had the Droid Factory, too. the Gonk Droid was one of my favorites. i never had one of those.
Nice to meet you, Sid. Hopefully you weren’t too traumatized by your neighbor Andy’s toys.