Originally published at: The Army is testing a new exoskeleton that's halfway between Iron Man and the ALIENS Power Loader suit | Boing Boing
What could go wrong?
Made me think more of this guy.
How’s the work in extension cord technology going?
What’s the point if it doesn’t allow one to do super punches or lift cars?
My brain is rapidly pingponging between “look, another way to kill people” and “HELL YEAH POWER ARMOUR.”
Something I’ve thought about, but never seen explored in scifi, is what would a society that expects most people to be using assistive exoskeletons be like? Would it affect manual labour, construction, transportation? Or are the current ways of doing things more efficient?
Oh, I see the ammo-sexuals getting all twitterpated on this one. Does it come in 5xl for those Gravy Seals out there?
Right? Like, do we need to dump more money into killing people for little or no reason? Probably not. Should we definitely have this ready for when aliens come to put us out of our misery? Probably.
Well, IIRC, in the Battletech universe, the original mechs were mainly for construction and other labors. They were later converted to Battlemechs when the house wars broke out. And later when the Clans invaded, their stuff was better because they made Mechs for war, vs retrofit designs.
Honestly I think that if we get power-assist working to where it was practical - why even bother putting a human in it - make it a robot for moving stuff around a warehouse or whatever.
I do hope to get a robot leg or power assist tech when I am old and my leg gives out. As this guy mentioned in the video, lots of things the military throws money out for innovation and prototyping ends up as the basis of real world tech when it becomes more practical.
Must be a Space Marine, using his gun as a club…
I keed, I keed!
Need to work on that S² Engine tech.