The best piece about Donald Trump published this election cycle

Yeah, I wish it was that way in the US. This 2 year long run up to the actual election is crap.

The other German term you might want to use more often is Arsch mit Ohren. I will leave it to Google to translate it.

I think we can get the general sense of something that translates literally as “arse with ears”…


Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a “here in Yurp everything is great” thing, I mean we have as depressing a shower of shit for brains, grifters, liars, scumbags, and power hungry sociopaths as it is possible to imagine going up for election today in Ireland. We just don’t have to listen to campaigning for years on end.

I don’t think I could bear that.

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Cruz doesn’t scare me b/c his own party members actively hate on him (and rightly so) to the same degree, if not more, than they do for d.Rump. His conniving has been laid bare since long before his Kloset Kaper with Carson, and as the person trying (and succeeding) in flanking everyone else to the right, I don’t see any way he can pull off any sort of shift back towards the center to gain traction with the Dems. The man is obviously radioactive, and happily so–he’d get trashed left, right, and center, against Sanders or Clinton.


Ahh but you’re talking common sense, a thing that has no place in American Politics.


This piece gave me a lot to think about last night. Particularly all of the Donald Trump quotes you don’t normally hear (because they are drowned out by the Hitler impersonation). The ones about NAFTA being a failure, Iraq being a failure based on lies, insurance companies and drug companies being given semi-monopolistic powers.

For me, Donald Trump is an absolute no go because he is a huge racist who might credibly start another holocaust-like event. That is more important than everything else. Putting myself in the mind of the people at those rallies, though, and the people that @Medievalist has described as Trump supporters, it occurs to me: If you had to vote between 1) living in a colonialist-Africa-style kleptocracy where the lucky ones get sub-living wage jobs growing cash crops and the rest are totally dispossessed; 2) living in a racist-fascist society where there were jobs and wages and food on the table but an identifiable group you don’t belong too were made to suffer; which would you vote for? And before you answer, do you really think that racism isn’t a problem in (1)?

And that sounds too stark; Rubio isn’t literally going to make America into scenario 1; and I don’t think Trump will be able to have enough influence to quite do scenario 2 either. But look at Trump’s apocalyptic rhetoric - $300B lost on bad drug prices? 40% unemployment? And people on this board half-joke (only half) that this election seems like the end of America - I’m one of them (though I am prone to the apocalyptic in all things).

Trump isn’t just a magnet for overt racists who like his racism. And that explains why his demographics are as they are - as if it’s just people selected at random from the population. People point out that 35% of the Republican primaries translates to a very small percentage of the electorate, but it his national favourability is also around 35%. That’s about the portion of Americans who believe that if the plutocrats have eight more years there will be nothing left of America to salvage and that it is worth doing anything to avoid that (minus the people who are following Trump because they actually want a holocaust and the people who are doing so because it’s funny - but plus half of Sanders’ supporters, so maybe actually more than 35%).

I certainly think that Sanders is the answer, but I can forgive people for thinking Trump is better than Rubio (and, what is Rubio not racist? he’s probably exactly as racist as his donors tell him to be, plus a little for himself). What I do see, though, is that the establishment candidates and their masters seem to think that this is a war they can win. Winnow the field and Rubio will beat Trump and… what? Those 35% of people who think America is doomed will change their minds? There will be more of them next election and more next election.

Geologists can predict earthquakes on a geological timetable. They know when an earthquake is coming (withing the next 100,000 years, say) and they know it will be big. And they also know that the longer it takes, the bigger it will be. Political timelines are a lot shorter. Trump’s presidency would be somewhere in the 8.0-9.0 range. If we have to wait another 8 or 12 or 16 years, America might get a president that will physically rip the country in half.


The fortunate, telling fact is how negative GOP factions feel toward all of their own candidates.

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You would go to the wedding of someone you hate? Or to network? or to be seen by the press?

Is this kim or khloe?

Sadly, if you click through the charts here: 2016 General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton | RealClearPolling

You’ll see that Trump is the only candidate that Clinton is polling to beat. People really don’t like her.


She inherited Ted Kennedy’s RAGE MACHINE


Matt is on fire!

We just need Thunderdome. Two candidates enter, one candidate leaves…

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Can we have the Thunderdome where two candidates enter but none leave? In fact, can we simply lock the entire Republican field into the Thunderdome without weapons? It’s like the old CIA joke punchline:

"Well the gun you gave me was full of blanks, so I had to beat him to death with the chair."

My quibble is that Cruz’s face looks more like someone sewed pieces of a NIXON mask together. I do think that’s part of the reason people who don’t even know him have such a strong aversion to his face.

He’s not even the Nixon fanboi in this race.


If instead of Photoshopping Cruz’s face onto the tattoo guy, the campaign had just always photoshopped Cruz’s face away it’d be a big improvement:


Someone with better photoshop skills than me should take one of those ‘trusTED’ posters and make it say something else ending in TED.

DetesTED, perhaps.

While this is undoubtedly a fine article, I’d argue that the best piece about Trump might be this one.

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Couldn’t that cut both ways?