The best piece about Donald Trump published this election cycle

I disagreed with this part. Cruz’s face is more a cross between those of Joe McCarthy and Jim Belushi.

It’s also true (per Nate Silver) that this early, head-to-head polling is pretty meaningless. I saw that on RCP they don’t put error bars.

I really don’t think so.

Trump has been totally open about buying politicians. His complicity in the corruption seems to be part of his campaign.

In the primaries, yeah, it might not help him, but if so it doesn’t seem to be doing him much harm.



Hate? I don’t think you need to hate him to not be subservient to him. And politicians like to get press. Whether the picture can be used against her, who knows… maybe. And meeting and greeting, pressing the flesh (as it were) is very much part of a politician’s job. It’s not just a vain desire to be on camera. The comparison to a reality TV celeb is inapt.

It turns out I actually went to school with that guy. Well, him and 50,000 other people, but he was there when I was. (shiver) I’m wondering if he ever wrote an Op-Ed piece in The Daily Texan, which now reminds me of another student whose Op-Eds used to aggravate us to no end. That author wrote a speculative piece on the outcome of a presidential election between Donald Trump and Garry Trudeau (this was spring 1989, years before Doonesbury’s Vera Coking/Sabatini’s story arc, so I don’t recall why she might have picked Trudeau against Trump). She was all about Trump, going on about how he was such a great individual. (Speaking of great individuals, she also wrote columns extolling Ayn Rand. At the same time, she’d write decent music reviews.) So it looks like that’s come back to haunt us, minus the Garry Trudeau part. Maybe it haunts her, as well – who knows how she’d feel about Trump 26 years later?

EDIT: I take that back, all this time I thought Cruz went to UT.

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yes, it explicitly is. But the downside of this midterm arrangement that you can end up (almost always) with a President and Congress pulling in opposite directions–thus not getting anything done.

It is interesting to add, that the allies also dismissed the British non constitution and its archaic unrepresentative and undemocratic first pass the post system. It was the greatest service along with the Marshall Plan that the Allies could do for a war ravaged Germany. Now if they did the same for Iraq and Afghanistan maybe the Middle East wouldn’t be in such a mess.


Hell, given a choice between The One and the current crop, I’m a Nixon fanboy. BTW Kasich looks like Judge Reinhold in that photo.

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I’m simultaneously willing to accept that the polling is a very poor indicator and that it is something to consider. If we are only taking mathematically rigourous evidence of who would win then we are probably left with no evidence at all, and forced to consider it a toss up or an unknown.


Sounds like you might be turning around and doing it again straight away, though.

Fuck no. FFFG all the way. They gonna do a Mulder and Scully. I think they should sue Sinn Fein in the high court as the majority and get the old name back.

They are merely engaging in hygiene protocols by not publicly discussing what has been the only viable government for the last couple of years. They are both centre right Christian democrat parties. FG is more right wing and socially liberal ( thought that is unevenly distributed in the party) FF more centre and socially conservative.

They are both overwhelmingly parties of older and rural people. Had the vast emigration of young people not occurred they would not be about to belately consummate their hate love affair. They have always been the same party and joining up is their only chance to avoid irelevancy, short term though.

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