The Biden Administration. Document the atrocities - Praise the graces


I mean, that could be the title of Larry Kudlow’s autobiography…


“He did, however, add that a chunk of that growth was from government spending…which would mean government spending is good for the economy, but it’s still his job to pretend it’s a bad thing.”


Inside Biden’s obsession with “Morning Joe”



May I ask what your poop emoji means?

(I did click through and read the article.)


I dislike the morning joke and don’t like candidates sucking up and empowering them.

They gave Trump unlimited free media in 2016. And I don’t forget.


So much BS writing from Axios…

Because Biden watches “Morning Joe” so often, most of his top aides watch or track the show to anticipate potential questions from him.

  • Biden aides have remarked how longtime Biden aide Steve Ricchetti seems to watch much of the four-hour show every morning. He and other aides often reference the show.
  • A White House official told Axios that many of Biden’s top staff members think the show gives Biden a fairer shake on issues than other news shows and media outlets.

“Biden” doesn’t watch Joe, his effing aide does.

Zoom into this Axios!


Got it, thanks.

I’ve never seen it, and don’t watch any corporate-media news, so I wasn’t aware.

I wonder. I mean, i can’t see how he’d have time for it, but then, it is believable that Tromp spent a lot of time glued to Fux News.


I didn’t know where to put this buy it’s some funny stuff.


That…that’s satire, right? :thinking: Looking at his other articles, I’m going with satire…


I think you’re right. He calls himself a humorist in his twitter bio.


Okay… you can’t really tell nowadays, since there is so much stupid shit coming out of MAGAland… :sob:


yeah :sob:

I clicked his twitter link because I wasn’t sure after reading the article and needed to know.


The whole bullshit blaming Biden for not magically ending the genocide against Gaza is like blaming Canada for T****’s immigrant concentration camps. The US is an ally of Israel, not it’s puppet master, and Bibi is T****’s ally, not Biden’s (as the article freely admits). To anyone who thinks Biden can stop the genocide short of starting a war with Israel, please by all means speak up.


50 percent of Americans saying Israel has “gone too far,” a figure driven, according to the organization, “by growing disapproval among Republicans and political independents.”

I’m gonna guess that if Trump (or another republican) were in the white house, they’d not be taking that position (at least the GOP identified folks).

I do think he could be doing more to get a ceasefire. Yes, bibi and his merry band of genocidal assholes are hellbent on Greater Israel, but we still sell them arms and back them no matter what. I think staking out a a strong position on a ceasefire would move the needle, especially if it came with a threat to pull funding… It’s not all his fault, but he could do more here, I think.


I agree with everything you’ve written. It’s shameful that we’ve sold arms that are being used for genocide; we’re complicit in those deaths.

From what Biden’s team has done in his term so far, they don’t make big announcements of what they are doing before they do it. They work behind the scenes until they accomplish the goal and then announce it. Look at the railroad worker strikes: these same news outlets railed against Biden’s supposed anti-union actions while his team worked behind the scenes to negotiate a deal favorable to the workers. When they announced that the talks resulted in agreements that gave the unions almost everything they wanted, the same news outlets didn’t say “Oops, I guess we were wrong about that.” They found the next thing to criticize him for.

Based on what the Biden administration has hinted at so far, I think it’s highly likely they are working furiously behind the scenes to find a way to end the genocide. But it’s not their practice to do so publicly.


Assuming Canada was shipping the supplies being used to build said camps, and the prime minister stepped around parliament to make sure it they kept flowing even while Trump openly dismissed his diplomatic aims. This isn’t Biden’s fault in the sense he caused it, but no, I don’t think he deserves a pass for supporting the fascist in the middle of a genocide here. Not just “could do more to stop” – he is very clearly enabling it.


Well, duh.


As much as Republicans claim to want the government to be operated “like a business,” apparently they want it to be run like a failing business. Anyone who knows anything about business knows you can’t cut your way to growth. The success of a business is made by growing revenue. You would think they would want to fund the Internal Revenue Service. In particular, the enforcement arm of the IRS is like a company’s Accounts Receivable department - making sure earned revenue is paid. Only business idiots would defund Accounts Receivable.