The Biden Administration. Document the atrocities - Praise the graces

y’all just saw Biden’s speech RE: the special prosecuter’s reporting on the documents in his possession.
what do you think about his response of president of mexico al sissi? that looked really bad, coming just after his saying his memory is good.
why does he allow the press to howl like dogs? why are they howling at him, when they did not do it like that with tfg?
i get that Biden has many issues on his plate and on his mind, so blurting out “Mexico” when the texass border bullshit is going on - and getting crossed up with the the bullshit in Gaza…
well? i don’t think it went well and would very much like to hear from y’all what are a lot smarter in this than i.


Didn’t watch but based on Past performance not surprised.

The NPR party needs to grow some fucking fangs and fast.


Just got a text from my Ayn Rand/Republican sister about that speech, saying “it proves he is too old and senile to be running the country.” I really don’t know. He is older, probably tired, under a lot of stress and got his words tangled? I do know he is far more fit for the office than the orange shitgibbon. Biden is not my first choice for pres. No, he is not. I would love to have a younger, more progressive choice. I do not. He has goverened far more effectively than i expected, maybe because he has competent advisers who he listend to, unlike another possibility. But i agree, it was a bad look and will be played up by the right. We don’t need that shit.


I hope that’s exactly how you put it to Ayn Rand, I mean your sister?


It is. And she threw a huge fit about being attacked. Of course she did.


The right didn’t waste any time either :unamused:


President Joe Biden probably thought he did a good job at a Wednesday night fundraiser—he used the word abortion in a speech, which is, incredibly enough, a notable occurrence for the presidential candidate whose party should be running on abortion access. Here’s what he said: “I’m a practicing Catholic. I don’t want abortion on demand, but I thought Roe v. Wade was right.”

I bet he thinks this was an improvement because, as far as Joe Biden goes, this is about as close as he gets to saying reproductive autonomy is a good thing. I can actually imagine him thinking, Surely saying “I don’t want abortion on demand” is better than the last time, when I said “ I’m not big on abortion.”

Is it better? Maybe, I guess? But what I can tell you definitively is that it’s certainly not enough. Instead, it’s yet another example of Biden assuming a defensive crouch on the Democrats’ most salient 2024 issue. It’s not the first time he’s said it either: Biden also noted his disapproval of “abortion on demand” during a White House meeting on the anniversary of the Roe ruling. Whether this comment is a favored ad-lib or something his speechwriters cooked up, it needs to go, immediately.

What’s the problem with “abortion on demand”? Although the phrase was actually used by abortion advocates in the years leading up to Roe, it’s since become a right-wing talking point that is designed to make women seem flighty and careless when they seek abortions. And if we have learned anything in the year-plus since Roe v. Wade was overturned, it’s how wrong this perception is. Women demand abortions because they need them, whether that’s because their pregnancy could kill them, their much-desired baby won’t survive, they have an abusive partner, or they can’t afford more children. Pregnant people are not disposable vessels for potential future lives; they are human beings who deserve to make their own choices and not have their health care controlled by politicians.

As a matter of strategy—and anything Biden says about abortion ought to be a matter of strategy given its potential to keep him in the White House—it’s almost inconceivable why he doesn’t say something more like “I’m a practicing Catholic, and I think it’s wrong that Republicans want to ban abortion nationwide.” He could even add, “I won’t let abortion access be further eroded, and I’ll fight to restore people’s rights.” But I think we all know the issue here: Biden’s long-standing personal distaste for abortion makes him incapable of forcefully campaigning for women to have more rights than fetuses.



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Flipping between the big three news channels today.

It appears CNN and MSNBC are now actively trying to get trump elected.

I’m ok with this. Now he just needs to go public and actually put some real pressure on Netanyahu.

His descriptions of his dealings with Netanyahu are peppered with contemptuous references to Netanyahu as “this guy,” these people said. And in at least three recent instances, Biden has called Netanyahu an “asshole,” according to three of the people directly familiar with his comments.


Jeeper creepers Joe, you should’ve listened to pretty much the rest of the planet’s estimation of him as an asshole before you decided to hug it out with him on center stage.


That photo was right after the Hamas attack. Regardless of how shitty Bibi is as a person, he really was representing Israel in that moment of tragedy. I’d have hugged him in tears at that moment in Biden’s shoes - and whispered “It’s well past time for you to retire.”


Yeah. As always, context matters… and mainstream media doesn’t care.


Big win for Biden… and America.


I wouldn’t call it a big win. It was dismissed for jurisdictional reasons. The court made no findings at all on the merits of the case.

Ezra found that for NICA to bring constitutional claims against Medicare’s price negotiations in a court, it is first required under federal rules to bring those claims through an administrative review process under the Medicare Act or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Without a prior administrative review, the court has no jurisdiction.

So now, NICA will go file those claims through the administrative review process. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will deny those claims, and then NICA can refile their lawsuit. So this just delays things. I still think, eventually, this case will come out in favor of the government, but this is just a small win.


Hey. I’m trying to stay upbeat!


Oh there’s certainly good reason to be optimistic. The plaintiffs’ case is weak, even aside from the jurisdictional issues.