Well - yes - if everyone is like that, then that would be the definition of normal.
But being religious is neither stupid nor crazy. Show me where he has made an irrational judgment while on the Supreme Court due to his religion. You may not agree with politics and interpretation of law, but that hardly makes him incompetent.
Give me a break, drama llama. This guy doesn’t even have some crazy fundamentalist snake handler sort of religion - Catholic is about as boring as you can get. So everyone who is religious should be locked up? You must be one of those rational tolerant atheist I hear so much about, never one to fly off the handle making wild statements.
[quote=“AnonKopimi, post:81, topic:11575, full:true”]
He’s entitled to be as much a farting lunatic as he likes - it also means he’s not qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice who SHOULD BE a rational actor in our Democracy.
[/quote]Which of his opinions from the bench are irrational, or are less rational than those of other justices? And would you, as a rational actor, care to explain how you’ve concluded he is a “farting lunatic”? Or are you not qualified to make that conclusion?[quote=“AnonKopimi, post:79, topic:11575, full:true”]
So if EVERYONE is stupid and crazy, that’s the acceptable NORM.
Gotcha. Standards LOWERED.
[/quote]I think you were saying something about Democracy above? In a democratic system the majority has the power to set the norm.
Of course the Constitution is, and was intended to be, a check on democratic principles (which is why it requires a super-majority to amend the Constitution), in which case your statement about democracy doesn’t really apply to your thoughts on the Court.
Does this count? [John] Key attends church frequently but is agnostic when it comes to belief in God. He has stated that he does not believe in an afterlife, and sees religion as “doing the right thing”. Probably not, but it’s down that end of the spectrum.
Key was preceded by Helen Clark, who responded “Absolutely not. I have no beliefs of a religious kind.” when asked if religion played a part in her life.
I bet you’re all over the fourth amendment, and wish there was more protection against all kinds of unreasonable government searches and seizures. Well, involuntary institutionalizing is a seizure, just like an arrest or stop and frisk is. The justification for such involuntary seizures is usually that the individual is a threat to himself or others. So far as I know the condition of being a devout Catholic usually doesn’t result in injury to self or others, while in paranoid delusions this may not be the case.
Similar analysis would have to be preformed if commitment was sought via judicial order.
Re-read what you quoted. Scalia isn’t saying people who don’t agree with him are out of touch, he’s saying that those who are appalled by his belief in the Devil are out of touch. Big difference.
I also don’t believe it to be alarmist to point out this mans obvious delusions - are they not delusions because others share his delusions? Does it not trouble you that this man blames the good and bad in the world on sentient intent; that the actions of people are defined by invisible puppet masters? That sounds like the last person that should be judging any legal decision.
I suppose you also wouldn’t consider it troubling if the country’s leading physician thought that pop-tarts cured cancer.
The man clearly needs psychiatric help though. And yes, anyone who genuinely shares his belief also needs the same help. It’s delusional, plain and simple - how is it not?
Also, the conflation of “Satan,” who in Judaism was just an angel doing his job (testing humans by putting stumbling blocks in their path) with “The Devil,” some sort of pagan/Manichean ‘dark God’ with a penchant for pitchforks and red tights, is cartoonish, simplistic, and flat-out shitty theology (especially when you buy the whole stupid John Milton comic-book-origin-story thing - ‘Paradise Lost’ was a nice bit of Gaiman-esque myth-based fiction, but it’s certainly not ‘scripture’).
Well - it’s your opinion that it’s a delusion (somebodies been reading Dawkins) - who the hell are you? He didn’t blame the good and bad in the world stems from invisible puppet masters. You’re either making things up or projecting.
Yes - because being religion and hawking cancer-curing Pop-Tarts is EXACTLY the same thing. Don’t let anyone tell you different.
I DO know a doctor who is very religions. She’s one of the smartest people I know. Some how finds the time to play the cello in the local symphony. I guess I better tell her to pack it up - she isn’t fit to be around the non-delusional folk.
Who I am? I’m Nathan, pleased to make your acquaintance.
Your last paragraph is entirely irrelevant - the fact that you think I have some crusade against the belief in a higher intelligence is both wrong and unjustified - I’ve made no such assertion.
If you can’t see the difference between a doctor believing in a higher power, and one of the most important legal experts having a genuine belief that the devil has influence over our actions - then there is no more to discuss.
There’s a reason why I assigned a mad medical theory to the hypothetical doctor, because that’s their expertise. I also didn’t say that the mythical doctor was hawking anything, another misdirection. Scalia isn’t hawking bibles, so why draw that comparison?
create saline holy water (the catholic rite for blessing water already uses salt! just measure it carefully.) and inject into amniotic sac. next problem?
As a justice, Scalia is an expert on laws. Mainly laws in the form of the Constitution and laws in the form of statutes. As an appellate judge he neither decides facts nor judges whether individuals are guilty or not. Factual determinations of innocence or guilt are the purview of trial courts. As an appellate judge he decides what the law is. He decides if laws are valid or if they conflict with the constitution. He decides if lower courts have interpreted the law correctly. Questions of human agency have very little to do with what Scalia does—and even if it did, I’m not sure why his belief in the Devil (and his influence) would interfere with his ability to judge individuals whom both the law and Catholicism deem to have agency over their own actions.
Since when does the bible count as a witness statement, direct evidence or circumstantial evidence, to begin with? I thought something like that might be considered hearsay of an unidentified witness (the author) at best. I hope we don’t start applying these standards to criminal justice proceedings.
Well - when someone says “The man clearly needs psychiatric help though. And yes, anyone who genuinely shares his belief also needs the same help.” you’re talking about her, my mom, my dad, most of my family, many of my friends, people I went to school with, people I worked with, about ~65% of America. Most people who believe in a “higher intelligence”, also believe in the devil, because, you know, it’s in the Bible and stuff (you’re right, not all of them do).
So forgive me if I don’t see much difference between someone who believes in a god and one who believes in the devil, they are usually one in the same. I don’t see how one would attack someone and call them delusional for believing in the devil, but find it not so bad if they just believe in a “higher intelligence”.
And while, yes, there is the concept of the devil tempting or influencing someone, Scalia isn’t blaming all the bad in the world on the devil’s actions. In fact when it comes to direct influence or possession he says, “…that doesn’t happen very much anymore.” I’m sure you can find someone on a street corner ranting about demons everywhere - but that isn’t what he was doing. He simply expressed his belief the devil exists (just like god), and where I come from (granted, probably not as nice and as affluent as where you are from) that isn’t a strange concept in the least.
Please show me the citation that states that 65% of Americans believe that the Devil is a crafty trickster manipulating the world for his own ends.
Not that it has any bearing on the discussion, but it should keep you busy for a while.
The beleif that there may or may not (this qualifier is kind of important for any credible discussion on the matter) be a higher intelligence is perfectly reasoned - you could make an argument for that and not sound like a crazy person.
The devil, however, is not a logical construct; it’s a manipulative tool used by organised religion to scare its members into performing certain actions; as far as I’m aware this is documented fact.
The two are not alike, and yes, genuinely believing that a sneaky sentient creature is going around making people do bad things is crazy. Under what definition is that not crazy? If we replace ‘devil’, with ‘unicorn’ does it help you to understand? Because it’s a completely arbitrary replacement.
Please show me the citation where it says Scalia “believes in 2000 year old science” (whatever that is supposed to mean).
Please also show me a citation in support of your assertion that “[Scalia] clearly needs psychiatric help though. And yes, anyone who genuinely shares his belief also needs the same help.” I mean, unless you yourself are a psychiatrist and competent to render this factual statement.