The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

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“From 2015 through 2021, Citi singled out for discrimination applicants for certain credit card products, based on their surnames, whom it suspected of being of Armenian descent. Citi supervisors conspired to hide the discrimination by instructing employees not to discuss the discriminatory practices in writing or on recorded phone lines. Citi employees also lied about the basis of denial, providing false reasons to denied applicants.“


And so, ShitttyBank continues to live up to its name. Not exactly a shock, is it?


Yeah, what shocks mean is the victims. I hadn’t run across that particular bigotry before. Denial of the Armenian genocide, yeah. But not “all Armenians are thieves.”
Can’t say I’m pleased to learn about yet another type of bigotry. Though better to know than remain ignorant

People can be so awful


When discussing a medical question, should we be guided by the evidence we currently have, or by fears and unproven hypotheses? In an Ideas column for the Boston Globe yesterday, writer Jennifer Block came down strongly on the side of vague fears and cautions. As in many essays of this type, Block provided no evidence that her many fears about youth transition were warranted, and no evidence that there’s any problem in the field of gender-affirming healthcare. Instead she asked readers to accept the proposition that there might be, and to support a change of course in the highly politicized field of gender-affirming care for youth on that basis.

Normally, the public would not need to weigh in on whether or not a promising medical treatment should be provided to more patients or fewer. That would be an area for the medical field to debate, for proposals, grants, studies, and hypotheses, and ultimately for doctors to discuss with their patients. Block makes no argument for why the public should involve itself, and recognizes the harm such involvement has already done to the LGBTQ+ community. Nevertheless she advocates strongly for the reader to take a stand on this issue, while providing no solid reasons why anyone should do so.



That’s exactly what we do. If they don’t like it, sponsor a study to compare whatever they want to the current standard of care. If it turns out we’ve been wrong, we’ll switch, but until then, FFS, yes we go with the care based on what the evidence available indicates.


We all know they cannot do that. It comes down to facts, which have a well-known liberal bias. Can’t trust thigs like this to facts! We can only trust opinions. The stupider the better. As it was meant to be! (/s)


Hey look, more fun private ‘Christian’ school grooming everybody!

The school officially ended Sugg’s employment on May 6 and, that same month, asked the victim to withdraw as a student, the complaint states. But at “no time” did the academy report its knowledge or suspicions of Sugg to law enforcement.

Obviously, this girl was now impure and would contaminate the other girls. Makes perfect sense. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:



Both the owners and A. Bob’s Towing declined to comment on our request for an on-camera interview.

Season 2 Surprise GIF by PBS

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“Your car is not immobilized,” said Harrison. “You’re free to go and drive off as you feel.”

That sounds like a challenge. I doubt it would take a lock-picking lawyer to take it off and dispose of it.


Looks pretty easy.


Judge rules it’s fine for car makers to intercept your text messages and call logs

Back to iPods!

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I was thinking angle grinder, but I guess that works too. :smile:


IFAIK, motorcycles and bicycles have not met this threshold of invasion either.


Retailers: complains about homeless people hanging around stores and sometimes stealing food to eat

Also retailers: realizes video of cops arresting these folks would give the stores really bad PR


Target, which Cooper says is seeking to avoid negative press, didn’t want deputies arresting people inside the store and only behind the establishment, the sheriff wrote in one of his posts. Walgreens’ corporate office abruptly stopped deputies from carrying out an operation they planned with store employees, Sgt. Amar Gandhi, a spokesman for the Sheriff’s Office, said in a phone interview.

“We were told they didn’t want to create a scene inside the store and have people film it and put it on social media,” Cooper wrote of Target. “They didn’t want negative press. Unbelievable.”