The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

Alex Jones’ companies and shell companies at least some of them:

Non-publicly traded stock and interests and unincorporated and
unincorporated businesses, including an interest in an LLC, partnership, and joint
:black_small_square: Free Speech Systems, LLC
• Value $0, derived from schedules filed by FSS (case # 22-60043),
reflecting the value of liabilities greater than assets
• Tax forfeiture on March 10, 2023

      ▪   AEJ Austin Holdings LLC
             • Owns 80% of PLJR Holdings Limited, LLC which owns 90% of
                PQPR Holdings Limited, LLC (“PQPR”), an effective 72%
                ownership of PQPR
             • Value of PQPR is undetermined
             • Bank balance $10,000 – (Security Bank account #0940).
      ▪   Guadalupe County Land and Water LLC
             • Ranch was transferred from Guadalupe County Land and Water
                LLC (per appraisal) to 2022 Appeal Trust and thereafter to AEJ on
                December 2, 2022 (listed elsewhere in these Schedules under farm
                and ranch land).
             • No other assets found.
      ▪   Magnolia Management LLC
             • Formed in Alaska on November 16, 2007, to be the general partner
                of Magnolia Holdings, Limited Partnership, also an Alaska entity
                formed four days after.
                    o Owned 49% by AEJ and 51% by KJ as of formation.
                    o 100% ownership by AEJ in Divorce Decree entered March
                       17, 2015
                    o Involuntarily dissolved September 23, 2021
      ▪   Magnolia Management, LP
             • Presumed to be an abbreviated reference to Magnolia Holdings
                Limited Partnership (above)
             • TX SOS – Shows several results like this name. Magnolia
                Management is shown as a DBA of Alex Jones shown on one of
                his Bank of America bank statements along with Jones Production
                and Infowards [sic].
             • Current rental property originally purchased by Dr. David Jones.
                Alex Jones was added to mortgage when he purchased property in
                2015 from Dr. David Jones.

           •  Collections from rental went into Magnolia Management Bank of
              America account but now go into PNC DIP depository account.
          • Mortgage on rental property is in name of David Jones and AEJ.
    ▪   Magnolia Holdings Limited Partnership
          • Formed in Alaska on November 20, 2007, to be the owner of
              Prison Planet TV, LLC; Jones Report, LLC; and Infowars, LLC
              (k/n/a/ InfoW, LLC)
                  o Owned 49.5% by AEJ and 49.5% by KJ as of formation.
                  o 100% ownership by AEJ in Divorce Decree entered March
                      17, 2015
                  o Involuntarily dissolved on May 9, 2020

    ▪   Jones Productions
           • Believed to be a misnomer of Jones Productions, LLC (below)
    ▪   Emric Productions LLC
           • Bank of America bank account with a balance of $485.27 in this
           • No entity by this name has been located
           • No other assets have been located as of the date hereof
    ▪   A. Emric Productions LLC
           • No bank accounts or other assets located as of the date hereof
           • Formed on May 10, 2007
           • Tax forfeiture occurred on January 28, 2011, over 12 years ago
    ▪   Jones Report, LLC
           • Received an assignment from AEJ for all copyrights, trademarks,
               intellectual property associated with and
      on December 18, 2007
           • Tax Forfeiture March 10, 2023
           • Go Daddy Valuation as of March 2023 - $5,901.00
    ▪   Jones Productions, LLC
           • No bank accounts or other assets located as of the date hereof
           • Tax Forfeiture March 10, 2023
    ▪   Austin Shiprock Publishing, LLC (added)
           • Upon information and belief, AEJ owns 100% membership
               interests and is manager – no operating agreement has been
           • FSS received Travis County personal property tax bill rendering
               reflecting a tax value of $1,354,474 of personal property owned by
               this company but located at FSS’ location. This tax bill was paid
               in 2002 by FSS.
           • No value is reflected due to the belief that this personal property is
               or should be owned by FSS.

    ▪   Planet Infowars, LLC (added)
           • Upon information and belief, AEJ owns 100% membership
                interests and is manager – no operating agreement has been
           • No bank accounts or other assets located as of the date hereof
           • Tax Forfeiture March 10, 2023
    ▪   RCGJ, LLC
           • No bank accounts or other assets located as of the date hereof
           • David Jones is manager
           • Unknown ownership

    ▪   AEJ Holdings, LLC
          • Cannot locate this entity – it appears to be a misnomer of AEJ
              Austin Holdings LLC

    ▪   InfoW, LLC
            • Transferred into 2022 Litigation Settlement Trust.
            • Forfeited corporate existence dated March 10, 2023.
            • No ownership or control by AEJ.
            • Owns domains,,
     , and valued at a total of $21,734 by Go
    ▪   IWHealth, LLC
            • Transferred into 2022 Litigation Settlement Trust.
            • Forfeited corporate existence dated March 10, 2023.
            • No ownership or control by AEJ.
            • Funds transferred by CRO of $45,000.
    ▪   Prison Planet TV, LLC
            • Transferred into 2022 Litigation Settlement Trust.
            • Believed to currently own website which is valued
               by Go Daddy at $201.
            • Forfeited corporate existence dated March 10, 2023.
            • No ownership or control by AEJ.
        The three entities above were transferred by Alex Jones to the 2022
        Litigation Settlement Trust in April 2022 in advance of their bankruptcy
        filings. The Trustee is Rob Dew. Mr. Dew is in the process of employing
        professionals to assist in determining how to carry out his fiduciary duties
        and interpret the 2022 Litigation Settlement Trust Agreement.

        Value - $66,935.00

          One entity – End Hate Now, LLC formed in Nevada has an “Alex Jones”
          name associated with it; however, AEJ has no memory of this entity and
          upon information and belief it is not related to AEJ.

:black_small_square: 25. Schedule A/B: Property
• Recharge Dynasty Trust (formed July 27, 2102) – value $0.
o Settlor – Alexander E. Jones and Kelly Rebecca Jones.
o Trustee – Alexander E. Jones.

                   o Beneficiaries: Rex Alexander Jones, Charlotte Alexander
                       Jones and G. G. Jones, and any other descendants of the
                       Settlors born during the term of the trust.
                   o Security Bank Crawford closed its account due to Kelly
                       Rebecca Jones (Alex’s ex-wife) mis-appropriating funds
                       from bank account to pay for her legal fees and handed
                       David Jones a cashier’s check that he deposited into Alex’s
                       Prosperity account. David then had Prosperity Bank
                       (#9175) give him a cashier’s check dated December 12,
                       2022 for $29,935.66. Check was deposited into PNC DIP
                       depository account (#5233) on January 3, 2023 for
           •   2022 Litigation Settlement Trust (formed April 14, 2022) – Trustee
               (Rob Dew) hiring counsel at our recommendation to help him
               assess value and his fiduciary duties.
                   o Rights title and interest to:
                           ▪ InfoW, LLC. f/k/a Infowars, L.L.C.
                           ▪ IWHealth, LLC, f/k/a Infowars Health, L.L.C.
                           ▪ Prison Planet TV, LLC.
                           ▪ Trustee – Robert Dew
                   o Based upon cash owed to IWHealth, LLC and Go Daddy
                       values of domains owned by Prison Planet TV, LLC and
                       InfoW, LLC per GoDaddy, the value is $66,935.00
           •   Hutton Cabin Trust – Hutton Cabin Trust, formed in November
               2009 by AJ and his ex-wife, revoked pursuant to the Divorce
           •   RXXCTTGAA Trust (formed June 1, 2015) – Owns Clawson
               condo # 6
                   o Zillow Zestimate – current value $828,300 as of 03/15/23.
                           ▪ 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 1,998 sf.
                   o Beneficiary – Alexander E. Jones while living.
           •   Green Leaf Trust (formed December 21, 2007) – $127,094
               Security bank account.
                   o Alexander Jones & Kelly Jones [ex-wife] – co-trustees.
                   o Beneficiaries are children of AEJ: R. Jones, C. Jones and
                       G. Jones.
                   o Kelly Jones resigned as Trustee pursuant to Divorce Decree
                       in 2015.
           •   AEJ 2018 Trust (formed July 24, 2018) – $10,002 Security bank
               account (# 0924).
                   o 100% owner of AEJ Austin Holdings LLC., which owns
                       90% of PLJR Holdings LLC which owns 80% of PQPR
                       Holdings Limited, LLC per 2020 tax returns.

                     o Irrevocable Trust.
                     o Alexander E Jones is sole trustee and beneficiary.
             •   The Missouri779384 Trust (formed May 9, 2018) – $54,519
                 Security bank account.
                     o Recipient of proceeds from sale of former Westlake Hills
                            ▪ Original net sales proceeds went into trust from sale
                                of home.
                     o Where majority of attorney retainers/fees paid from.
             •   Alexander E. Jones Descendant and Beneficiary Trust Agreement
                 (formed March 28, 2017) – holds condo’s # 3 and 5.
                     o Zillow Zestimate # 3 – current value $804,100 as of
                     o Zillow Zestimate # 5 – current value $767,400 as of
                     o Grantor – Alexander E Jones.
                     o Trustee – David R. Jones.
                     o Beneficiaries - Rex Alexander Jones, Charlotte Alexandra
                        Jones, and G. G. Jones, and all other children born or
                        adopted by the Grantor after the date of the agreement.

The guy had won 3 Mayoral elections but has never faced an opponent.


I guess Romania is starting to realize that the US doesn’t send their best people.



Ugh Frustrated GIF by Equipe de France de Football


“Vacations” with the Taliban? Not feeling much sympathy.



Ugh Frustrated GIF by Equipe de France de Football




“Tomorrow on 60 Minutes: Lesley Stahl dignifies Trump Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green by pretending that the 120dB white noise coming out of her face hole means anything.”


Animation Money GIF


That’s not the nice even range of frequencies you expect with…oh, I understand, you mean the other type of white noise.


And the Spanish Inquisition was similarly trying to uphold christian teaching


“But we have a duty to lead our congregations in living for Christ, in the way He has taught us. And that means teaching what the Bible says about all areas of life – including sexuality and gender.”

A bit of prestidigitation there! I doubt he can find anything attributed to Jesus about sexuality and gender, so he does a quick magic juggle to slide in very select bits of the Old Testament.

(All areas of life buddy? Let me check your wardrobe.)


Outsports is owned by SBNation which is owned by Vox Media. One of the founders was the owner of DailyKos. But it looks mostly corporate/hedge fund owned by now. NBC/Universal invested a ton of money into it according to Wikipedia.

It’s not a community organization.