The Gallery of Putin Ass-Kissing Assholes

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I hope he has a hotel room on thr top floor, with lots of large windows


Perhaps we’ll get lucky and they’ll keep him.


That just might free up some time for a NSA analyst or two…


Him falling out of a window is probably too much to hope for.


yep. and he really goes for it;

“Most Americans have no idea why Putin invaded Ukraine or what his goals are now,…You’ve never heard his voice. That’s wrong…Western governments by contrast will certainly do their best to censor this video. They are afraid of information they can’t control.”

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Kari Lake, failed as a candidate in the US, seeks out a more charitable reception.


From the BBC:
Meanwhile, “not a single Western journalist has bothered to interview” Vladimir Putin, Carlson said.

Steve Rosenberg, the BBC’s Russia Editor, posted that the BBC has “lodged several requests with the Kremlin in the last 18 months. Always a ‘no’ for us”.

The FT’s Moscow bureau chief, Max Seddon, said it was quite something to complain that not enough American journalists were reporting on the Russian side of the invasion, when two American journalists were “in jail right now for doing just that”. The Wall Street Journal’s Evan Gershkovich and Alsu Kurmasheva of Radio Free Europe have both been held in pre-trial detention since last year.

Russian journalist Yevgenia Albats pointed out that she and hundreds of her colleagues had had to go into exile to keep reporting on the war, while Carlson was “shooting from the $1,000 Ritz suite in Moscow”.

Russian journalists are under extreme reporting restrictions - local media are banned from calling it a “war”: it is meant to be called a “special military operation”.


See also “Useful Idiot”, “Agent of Influence”, “Fifth Column”



That went well.

-Instead of responding, Putin delved into another history lesson, going back all the way to 1654 and prompting Carlson to ask, “Do you believe Hungary has a right to take its land back from Ukraine, and that other nations have a right to go back to their 1654 borders?”


I don’t know whether or not Carlson understands that he got played, but either way the look on his face will be the usual gormless one.

Not that Putin and his gloating cronies got what they thought they were getting either. Swanson has lost a lot of relevance even with MAGAts since Faux canned him and his fake workshop.


Wouldn’t it be hilarious if Putin arrested Tucker and refused to allow him to leave.

Perhaps for weed possession.


Carlson: “Vladimir Putin believes that Russia has a historic claim to parts of western Ukraine,” Carlson added.

yes. we already knew that from day one, actually way before that, you stupid fuck!

When Carlson seemed to be unfamiliar with basic details preceding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Putin snapped at the former Fox News host: “Are we having a talk show or a serious conversation?”

no, vlad, you obviously dont. its just the old bullshit you ventilated since the invasion at every possible opportunity.


Gift Link,

To explain the intensity of Republican resistance to Ukraine aid, I need to return to a concept I wrote about in November: that of bespoke realities. My friend Renée DiResta, the technical research manager at the Stanford Internet Observatory, coined the term, and she wrote that it refers to the “bubble realities” constructed by communities “that operate with their own norms, media, trusted authorities and frameworks of facts.”

Among those who oppose aid to Ukraine, there are certainly several paleoconservatives who object on classic isolationist grounds: It’s not our fight, our support is costly, we might find ourselves inadvertently embroiled in war, and so on. But the mass Republican movement against Ukraine is rooted far less in policy than it is in a particular bespoke reality of the MAGA universe, in which Ukraine is a pernicious villain, Putin is a flawed hero and Russia should have crushed Ukraine long ago.

It dissects MAGA conspiracies-- and the willingness to see Putin as some sort of savior from the thereat of “Western cultural decadence”.

(There’s a strange paralell between Trump worshiip and Putin worship.)

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