We’ve got to get that woman out of office, stat.
Trickle down charity
Exactly like Doug Ford in Ontario.
It’s almost like they’re all using the same playbook, but that’s crazy talk!
Yes, yes, there is some good in this but, I can see how many past, current and future trump administration officials might take advantage to re-enter the work force…
$17.6 million in funding for the Special Olympics.
$51 million in cuts to programs for Autism.
$Who knows from Pell grants.
It’s almost like she doesn’t care about anyone not wealthy white and neurotypical. Who woulda thunk it?
I saw on WTFJustHappenedToday that the House subcommittee that writes the budget for DoE will not be cutting Special Olympics funding. A Dem is the chair, fortunately, so none of Churchy Betsy’s hateful dreams are likely to come true.
I see the 2020 Republican campaign platform is Obama and/or Clinton did it. Just like the past quarter-century.
Probably riding out on a golden parachute built with the money scammed from WF customers.
Good riddance.
Daily Beast seems to have put up a members-only wall.
Even stranger, a USA-only wall??
You’ve landed on a Beast Inside story.
Our Beast Inside membership program is currently only available for U.S.-based readers. Please continue enjoying all other Daily Beast stories as usual!
eta: in 2015, Liberty University had $2.4 BILLION in assets.
Does this mean Jerry is a more accomplished scammer than Donnie?
God knows.
None of those countries have anything to do with Mexico. El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras are part of Central America.
This is even worse than the map with Egypt mislabeled. God, I wish such willful stupidity was lethal to those afflicted with it.
The Empire of Mexico is apparently a thing now.
All “scary” poor Brown people of Latino descent must be Mexican, didn’t you know?
I really didn’t know where to put this.