Originally published at: The grimly repeating history of homophobia at The New York Times | Boing Boing
The New York Times. If I had a bird and lived across the street from their press, I’d still subscribe to a different paper to line the cages.
This is a good example of why Abe Rosenthal was considered a nasty character: he’d always couch his abusive personal and professional behaviour in highfalutin’ self-righteous terms. Unfortunately, the NYT’s newsroom culture embraced and continues to embrace his approach long after he was gone.
By the way, that photo in the FPP isn’t a shoop. It’s his actual grave marker.
I suspect there’s more than just garden-variety homophobia at play here. The Times was writing favorable articles about Hitler in the 1930s, and a lot of their writers and editors seem to think hard-right extremism and Dapper Nazism are perfectly civilized things, unlike, say, telling Times reporters they’re full of shit on Twitter, or being Black.
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