The guy who said a black man stabbed him because he has a neo-Nazi haircut stabbed himself

OH wait, THAT’S a curb job? I though a curb job was getting a BJ on the side of a curb in a car. No wonder I couldn’t make any extra money when I was unemployed :frowning:


Terminology matters!



Seriously, how do we plan to fight fascists when they start trying to blend in with antifa?

It’s the Nazis against everyone else. I’m not seeing a lot of people believing the Antifa is a terrorist organization nonsense the Nazis are trying to paint them as. Everyone KNOWS the Nazis lie. If something like that were to happen, I think people would be instantly suspicious.


That guy got busted in part because he set up GoFundMes every other week for some sob story or charity cause. They kept getting taken down because they violated Terms of Service since it wasn’t clear he wasn’t just going to pocket the money, rather than donate it to victims of wildfires, or whatever.

To be totally honest, nazis are really really bad at pretending to be antifa. They’ve setup loads of fake antifa accounts on social media and every single one of them is laughably transparent in how little they know about anti fascism. In fact, the only people who fall for fake antifa accounts are clueless fascists. If they can’t even accomplish this online, they won’t manage in person, where it’s much harder to convince. The real danger is the long history of fascists infiltrating the police, where they don’t have to pretend to be something else.


Ha! Moran 1, really.



And clueless Liberals. Tom Ricks was reposting nazi propaganda yesterday.



It’s amazing. All these years I’ve been getting a No. 2 buzz cut and yet I’ve never once been accused of being a skinhead. I must be living on borrowed time.


Yeah, when life gives you lemons, make a shit sandwich.


I would have believed his story if he said he was stabbed because he had a Macklemore haircut.

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Maybe a year in prison will set him on the path of intelligence.

Aren’t US prisons just neo-nazi university?


Nah, that’s the Police Academy. The prisons are Neo-Nazi Trade School.


When it comes to being lucky, he’s cursed
When it comes to lovin’ me, he’s worse

I remember that story. Unfortunately, it illustrates that we have absolute morons running around Canada, too.

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Sadly, if he goes to prison there’s a very good chance he comes out a full-fledged neo-nazi. From what I understand, gangs in US prisons are pretty clearly divided along race lines and are always looking to recruit the weak and stupid.


That’s when the shiv thing can happen. Anti-nazi vs. Nazis

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Personally, liberal as I am, I’d maybe draw the line of extending free speech to the disturbed and instead maybe treat the disturbed as people with issues other than the need to exercise a right of free expression.