The heaviest, sturdiest cat litter scoop

I have one of these. It is indeed all metal, even the handle, and handles our four-cat (once five cat) house with ease. I’d use no other scoop after this one.


Still, they could save money by simply stopping feeding depleted uranium to their cats…

We’ve got one of these. It handles well and is tough. It makes getting the cement-like lakes of pee out of the corners of the box a whole lot easier. Also easy to clean.

Oh yes. The full pound-plus of pee clumps.

Sugru, friend. You need some sugru.

The pine litter is great, if your kitty will tolerate it. Alas, one of ours will not. She has crippled back legs and she just doesn’t feel stable enough on it.

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The plastic ones are a bad joke. I had several simply snap in two on the first use.

I used, when I had cats, the largest slotted kitchen spoon I could find. Four or five bucks and it lasted for many years. It stayed by the litter box so there was zero chance of it ever being confused and used for kitchen duty.

The suggested on here does look like a very useful one but the kitchen spoon was cheaper and did what it needed to. So many cat accessories are worthless junk, it’s nice to see some quality.

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