The home urinal movement

… because I can get out of bed and to the bathroom and back in the dark, so sitting is the obvious method. Who wants to turn on the light at 2am, just to aim, ffs?


Maybe try this?


I have never understood bidets. I can’t stand the idea that people have been spraying poop around.

Bizarrely, on BBC Radio 4 this morning some light entertainment chat show programme had someone telling a story about how they ended up in hospital unable to pee for unexplained reasons and woke up in bed with a catheter. Some other patient told them about self-catheterisation kits and their GP later prescribed one. Having been catheterised in hospital a few times, umm … no thanks. But pity the poor guy who needed this medically.


The first part of the Buzzfeed story says it all. Her boyfriend said nothing goes between the cheeks, they don’t open for anything!!


The authorities disapprove. From 1912.


Urinals are gross, take up a lot of room, and are single-purpose. Since we installed the central vacuum, I can play astronaut! :joy:


I sit down to pee. That is all.

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The urinals at the various McMenamins locations in Portland are something else.


Duh, another place to wash your hands…

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Some bars in Chicago switched to waterless. Fine on paper, but some parts of Chicago still use copper where possible, even in waste pipe. The un-diluted waste caused rapid corrosion of the pipes and leaks into the walls and ceilings below.


Wow, yeah, the pipes in my old house are mostly copper, so it would definitely corrode quickly. I can definitely see how something that sounds ideal on paper would have serious drawbacks in real-world applications.

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I see what you did, there…


Yeah, I didn’t care for the time when the nurse removed one, realized I still needed it, and tried to re-insert it.
(Shifts in seat)

Which reminds me, they ended up bringing a bed urinal, a little plastic bottle I was supposed to pee in (but couldn’t right away because: pee-shy). Maybe a bed urinal’s the answer.


Depending on how toned that guys butt is he may be developing a major environmental hazard.

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The home urinal movement

I just pee’d on a cactus, I’m very diplomatic about it too, I pick a different one every time I go out to pee, that way the other cacti don’t get jealous.


A competent bidet’s deflection angle is right to the toilet.

Try one of the angle-adjustable, heated-water Japanese dealies… you might just make a convert.

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See? See? Guttering! I knew I was right.

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A common issue with commercial urinals is that the the inside tends to splash back at the user. Wear shorts and you’ll feel it. Maybe that’s one reason SOME people don’t step-up. (You should step-up! Someone has to clean-up after you! And if you throw your gum in there, you should be damned to hell cleaning up after others in your afterlife.)

That aside, urinals could have a valuable place in homes. Maybe not in every bathroom of the house. But the right design could look good. It could even be a part of the toilet. You know, on the side at a diagonal. The toilet tank doesn’t need all the space that most of them currently occupy. It doesn’t have to look obtrusive and could be minimal. So, you’d step up to the side, the stream would gracefully go in the bowl of the urinal section, no splash, easy to clean, very little water to flush, and the seat of the toilet stays down.

Take the concept a little further (with or without the urinal), I can imagine a combination sink and toilet where there’s a cold, hot, and drain connection for the complete fixture. One model could have the sink on the right and another on the left.

If you are gonna give that kind of command then I am going to need a more specific target.


A Chamber Pot. Used to be all the go once.
Just slide 'er under the bed and remember not to forget about it.

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