The incredible story of a man who secretly furnished a hidden room in a mall and lived there for 4 years

How on earth is illegally squatting on private property “subverting” anything? And since you ignored the 2nd half, sounds like you agree it’s cool for anyone else to go set up camp/squat however you want to phrase it in this guys backyard? Throw up a little shed and invite some buddies over to play video games?

I mean, if you wanna go try it in the tiny house that’s already there because the kids couldn’t afford to move into a regular sized home…

ETA: I mean, the sole reason I live in Tijuana is because of USA rental costs. I’m helping out my new friends here, so it’s a win-win. :man_shrugging:


Not providing a single penny to the mostly-private-equity-owned rental market sounds pretty subversive to me. Especially considering that’s an industry that contributes a lot of their ill-gotten gains to repressive politicians and groups like the Heritage Foundation.


As long as he gets the same subsidies as shopping malls and arenas get, I think I’d be fine with that :woman_shrugging:t2:

But he doesn’t, so it’s a moot point.


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