Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/01/09/the-inventor-of-the-ball-pit-w.html
“There was a jar of onions, and we were sort of saying: ‘wow, how about if you could crawl through those? And then – ding – we decided we’d try it,” he says.
Pretend you’re a pimento…
I am certain that a Gibson or two was involved.
(Ball pits also may be a giant petri dish of pathogens but, hell, the kids love 'em.)
…inspiration struck after looking at a container of pickled onions in the kitchen.
Clearly his team simply didn’t pursue the source of their inspiration far enough:
Imagine a pit filled instead with multi-colored balls and vinegar!
Would totally inhibit those pesky pathogens.
Call children what you will…
That paper talks about ball pits in clinics, going days or weeks between cleaning. How long do the fast food ball pits go?
What they need is a truck that vacuums them up, scrubs, washes, dries, and then blows them back into the pit. (Which has been cleaned in the meanwhile.)
eta: wewashyourballs.com seems to be available.
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