The juggalos, class struggle, and the left

Not all of the alt-right are Nazis. Not all Nazis are alt-right. Not all of the white supremacists in the alt right are neo-Nazis and so forth.

The alt right is a catchall term for a slate of inter-related far right movements largely constituting the new mysoginist movement (Men’s Rights, Red Pill, “Pick-up artists” etc), the reignited white supremecist and white nationalist movements and this thing called The Dark Enlightenment. That last bit being effectively a group of neo-monarchists, christian nationalists, and anti-democracy thinkers who are openly opposed to things like personal freedoms, civil rights, voting and the like.

If you don’t want to call them by their own chosen sobriquet. Then call them what they are:

Fascists. These asshole have basically rounded them selves back round to old school Fascism. They are neither specifically, nor entirely Nazis. Insisting on calling them such risks conflating them with a host of non relevant shit like the Aryan Brotherhood. And minimizes some pretty frightening shit about the Alt-Right that classic Neo-Nazi groups don’t evoke.

ETA: Though it’s important to note that racism does seem to be the thing that binds these various groups together. The major trend all of them have in common.