Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2021/10/29/the-kiddies-motor-wheel-would-be-outlawed-in-this-day-and-age.html
Waaaay more badass than kids on scooters today.
South Park did it first!
it doesn’t look any tippier than a bicycle. once you’re moving, i bet it’s fine – the only bad thing about it is that the wheel kind of gets in the way of seeing ahead of you. but i’d ride one. it looks fun! i wonder what the top speed was.
This one isn’t too stable. I think the problem is that the center of mass is too high. Either a smaller rider, or a larger wheel. It could really benefit from a repurposed hover board controller to apply maximum acceleration and braking without pitching the rider too much.
I wouldn’t want to run directly behind the wheel after she went through the horse shit at 0:50.
Looks great. Couldn’t use it today of course. The kid is on a road and they would be decapitated by an SUV doing 50kph in a residential area
Monowheels are super cool. Built right? super stable, great design.
as mentioned - I can no longer look. at them without thinking of Mr. Garrison in South Park
here-s a cute lil video about the history
Hell, YES!
(On a racetrack or something similar, not on a regular road or street.)
I’ve always wanted to ride a monowheel and now I find myself strangely jealous of some kid in the 1920s who’s probably long gone.
That does sound dangerous.
And a lower center of gravity, better than a tall bicycle, tricycle (yes, many stupid pedicab operators have proven you can tip a tricycle, even with passengers), or a traditional unicycle.
The worry coursing through the running-father is palpable!
“I say, look out for the manure, sport.”