The Last Starfighter

A fan wrote a Windows version of the videogame from the movie, and released it freeware last year. It’s not the greatest videogame ever, but it’s got it’s fun points.

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OR Only You Can Save Mankind

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The poignancy of “a mobile cave that never went anywhere” had touched me, and stuck with me.

Robert Preston’s last big-screen role, too.

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"Alex Rogan, played by Lance Guest, is kind of a moron. He’s is totally dissatisfied with what appears to be a pretty great life. Alex has a great family, loving girlfriend and the entire community at his trailer park both adore and appreciate his self-sacrificing efforts. "

He’s poor, his mother who runs the trailer park is his only parent, and he has to work around the trailer park to help keep his family surviving. He is dissatisfied and wants to go away to school, and maybe some day have a life outside the trailer park and make some money. He is as a general rule disrespected by his peers who are richer, dumber and lazier than him, but seemingly destined to be more successful in life because of their luck in parentage.

I don’t much care for this movie, having seen it later in life, but at least I can claim to have actually seen it.

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Nice one on the Cray X-MP… 15 million dollars at the time! The movie only made double that at the box office, bankrupted the effects firm (IIRC), yet was indeed the most on-screen CGI yet.

My wife wanted to live in a trailer park after this movie.

Not sure it is an accurate portrayal, however.

One of the last two films I can remember seeing at a drive-in, the other was ‘Starship Troopers’. I loved Robert Preston.

Am I the only one who thought this was a piece of crap?

A fun remake of The Magnificent Seven -

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They should remake Starfighter with that angle in mind!

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More like Star Wars + King Arthur


Nope. I saw it in the theater back in 1984 (at 14 years old) and hated the spfx and hated the story, which I remember thinking was completely trite and (although this terminology didn’t exist at the time) the ultimate Mary Sue story.

I also remember thinking that CGI was going to ruin movies. I was kind of wrong about that (gollum!), but I was right that CGI would certain going to ruin a lot of movies (I’m looking at you Star Wars prequels!)

The movie made my summer the year it came out. Later, much later, I was intrigued to find out someone had written an off-off Broadway musical based on the film! (Details on that are here:

The film may not have been the greatest ever made, but it was one that I recently fired up on the laptop to show my 8- and 6-year-old kids, both of whom loved it.

Catherine Mary Stewart. … ah, the 1980s. :smiley: she was SOO cute!


I remember going to see this as a kid. I loved it.

Nope, it’s not. The trailer park I grew up in was all right, as trailer parks go, but the one in this movie was idealized beyond belief. I really wanted to live there, maybe have the Beta Unit’s gig.

Then again, Alex Rogan was an idealized me. Near the same age, just better-looking and with actual humanity-saving (or at least videogaming) talent. I got sick of his complaining real quick.

I thought this movie was a bust when I was 15 and I don’t see any reason to believe it has improved with time.

“Death Blossom”? Bah.

Nope. Significantly meaner hardware… CRAY XMP