Originally published at: The man who eats roadkill has a deep respect for animals | Boing Boing
Nothing wrong with fresh road kill. Though it depends on how and where it was hit. If you get bile or contents of the stomach or intestines onto the meat, it will make it taste bad.
There has been no rabies in the UK for almost a century, except a rabies-like virus in some bats, and what harm can come from eating bats? /s
That said there is avian flu, just waiting to make the bird>human jump. And probably dozens of other nasties.
The man who eats roadkill has a deep respect for animals
Imagine finding that in a fortune cookie
Rabies - Roadkill stew is officially off my on the run menu now. I never thought of that possibility. Seeing how the meat is already dead is there a simple test to tell if it’s rabiesfied?
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