Originally published at: The Moth Joke | Boing Boing
Norm is the comedian’s comedian. His shaggy dog jokes about his uncles on Conan are fantastic.
Almost as good is when he de-rails an interview with another guest.
Yeah, love how he took over the much more subtle humor and warmth of the guest in the ‘hot seat’ to make it all about him and his brand of humor.
This is a great example of why I’ve never liked McDonald’s version of comedy.
ty for this … Norm is good laughs.
I love a shaggy dog joke! I once told one at a boy scout camp as a young lad that whent on for at least a half hour. Punchline…look both ways before crossing the street. I probably deserved the beating.
This impressive old witch walks into a bar and says: “Get me an alligator sandwich and make it quick!”
I find some of his stuff amusing and some not. However, I do appreciate the fact that he got fired from SNL because he refused
to stop mocking OJ Simpson. The head of NBC (Don Ohlmeyer) was a friend of OJ and had a hand in firing Norm and another writer on SNL.
That is a good point to keep in mind.
We need a ‘shaggy dog story punchline’ thread.
“Well, he was a man of God and so he never did tell anyone”
Norm could make the dead laugh, I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
I love Norm. Every time Janice and The Shallow Grave comes on the comedy channel I will listen to the end.
“The Aristocrats!”
Not to mention the immediate sexualization of her on the part of both Norm and Conan. I realize the movie was no Citizen Kane, but they really were quite mean to her.
Here’s a couple from my past:
“If the foo shits wear it”
" I was sitting on the coroner watching all the curls go by
Yeah that was the part that stuck out to me. That definitely wouldn’t fly today, and that’s a good thing. She was smiling and kind of laughing, but she did not look comfortable at all. The hijacking of the interview was meh … comedians are kind of attention grabbers. It’s what they do. But the other aspect of that wasn’t necessary.
Uh, she is (was) a mediocre schlock actress from a soap opera, with no distinguishable characteristics. Macdonald rescued Conan and the audience from what would have been a formless cookie-cutter interview.
If anything she took her off the hot seat. All the question/answers up to his interruption were routine and unremarkable and every reason for a viewer to switch channels.
All parties were laughing so hard, because everyone (including herself) knew it was an undoubtedly terrible movie she was hyping.
EDIT: Theres a whole lotta pearl-clutchin’ goin’ on heah. Let’s keep this real: Everyone’s acting like he was talking over Dame Judi Dench. She’s a schlock actor. Marketing a straight-to-DVD schlock movie. Conan (and the audience) won’t remember her or that she was a guest the next day. Except for the fact that Comedy Deity Norman Gene Macdonald of Quebec City, Canada graced that sound stage that glorious day and dropped his delectable humor bombs. I’m Audi 9000.
wikipedia says that both carrot top and raquel welch were nominated for Golden Raspberry awards. Thorne-Smith was not. Hell, she might have been the best thing about the film. but I’m not about to find out.
Thorne-Smith has done some more sitcom work, and even did a voice-over for Robot Chicken. I wouldn’t portray her as a cardboard cut-out.