The new president of the NRA is Oliver North

Walt Kelly is exactly who we need right now. I’m going to go dig out my Pogo books.

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I see he’s off to as great a start as I expected…

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Ugh, there it is again, one of the most common (and frightening) bleatings of the far right these days: “Hey everyone, WE’RE the real victims in this Godless, liberal-run country!”

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Standing up against authoritarianism and tyranny, that’s what the NRA is all about.




“Protect the crown”?! Fucking hell…


We fought an entire revolution over that shit! And when the first president had the opportunity to basically be a king instead of an elected president, what did he say: NO!

I mean it’s like these right wingers don’t understand history!


“Civil terrorism!”

Hey, you guys have all the guns. We just march around and wave signs. (I suppose that could be terrifying to some…but certainly not up to today’s lofty terrorist standards…)


NRA whines when the Oklahoma governor refuses to kick out the last sanity checks on open/concealed carry.

“I believe the firearms laws we currently have in place are effective, appropriate and minimal,” she said. Fallin noted that the bill also would have eliminated the requirement for a training course and reduced the level of background checks to carry a firearm.

The veto drew the immediate ire of the NRA. “Make no mistake, this temporary setback will be rectified when Oklahoma residents elect a new and genuinely pro-Second Amendment governor,” said Chris Cox, NRA executive director for legislative affairs.

When the last bar against gun ownership is the cash to buy one, the NRA will lobby for a government loan program.


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