The new Republican health care bill classes rape, PTSD, and domestic abuse as excludable pre-existing conditions

Also, let’s remember that this thing still has to go through the senior chamber (much tougher since it’s not budget neutral). It has to pass the Byrd bath.

In 2014 I got Lyme disease on one of my many hiking trips in PA. It attacked my central nervous system and put me in the hospital with a pulse of 40bpm. Later that night a doctor woke me up when my pulse was 20bpm and said, “stay awake if you can.” 15 minutes later I went into cardiac arrest but fortunately, being in a hospital, the medical team brought me back in short order, but spent a week in the hospital with a pacemaker attached to my neck until the antibiotics dispatched with the disease and my heart could maintain a healthy pulse on its own. I have group health insurance thru work now but I’m not looking forward to being denied based on the double whammy of pre-existing conditions Lyme disease and cardiac arrest if I ever need to buy individual coverage. How’s that for irony? My healthy and active lifestyle makes me uninsurable outside of a employee policy.

Go fuck yourselves, republicans.


Fuck’s sake. Is it not Grassy Knoll time, already?


Does anyone else get the impression Republican health care bills are really just elaborate attempts at trolling Trump? They don’t really want to repeal and replace the ACA but want to give the appearance of doing so to placate their cretinous voting base.

It has taken on the appearance of “The Producers”. That they are deliberately trying to draft the most offensive bill possible so it is guaranteed to fail.


Damn you Oompa Loompa for choosing evil turn Mike Pence as VP!

Trump may be an asshole, but he has no clue what he is doing. Pence is both evil and somewhat competent.


Its the legislative version of “Springtime for Hitler”

this can’t be real and if it is…damn that fool is in for a rude awakening.


More like take off and nuke the site from orbit time.


I have the feeling that if you’ve ever had so much as a cold, insurance companies will use it as an excuse to deny coverage on anything they feel will drain their pockets too far under the new ruling. If you’re lucky, you might get your kid’s broken arm fixed or your blood pressure meds covered before they cut you off.

Meet the new boss, worse than the old boss.


Yes, I am aware that many people don’t realize Obamacare and ACA is the same thing. I am also aware many people aren’t aware that Obamacare was based off of an older Republican plan.

I am painfully aware that too many people will reject something souly based on the fact that a liberal or conservative supports it.

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Oh yeah, I had an insurance company like that once. Had to fight tooth and nail to get them to pay anything.

A lady who I knew used to work for them. Said that denying claims was so incentivized that people would stuff them in bags and hide them in the ceiling tiles. “We have no record of that claim…”


Based on this action, the already-disparate implementation of Medicaid expansion, clean energy regs, and basically everything else on their dictator-loving bandwagon, I see a massive bifurcation of the US into states that are wealthy, healthy and progressive while the others crumble into a morass of mass unemployment, completely eroded civil infrastructure and civil rights, regression of care at every level (child, health, elder, disabled… i.e. if they’re vulnerable, they’re fucked) and fiscal collapse (Kansas, anyone?).

Think this nation is divided now? There’s no way in hell im leaving New York at this point.


We are going on a decade of this strategy being acceptable to veterans (and other people), so they are the least likely people to change their minds until it messes with them down to an individual level.

I’ve read about people denied insurance for cancer treatment because they once had acne.

These people are pure evil.



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The madness…Such cognitive dissonance. This person must be a real treat to know personally.

Well, if California and co. didn’t have enough reason to split before, they probably do now.

I just saw that on the list of pre-existing conditions a Democratic congressman was tweeting out. It’s official!

That’s a special kind of institutional evil…


Just keep going and don’t look back. The nuking will take care of itself.