The Oatmeal looks into our reality tunnels, the "backfire effect," and the nature of belief

I scrolled down to the last image, without looking at the sources, and without having the slightest emotional reaction above the level of mild disbelief at the teeth issue.

If any of this is a core belief to someone, their belief system is kinda weird.

Also, I changed my mind about olives after I had good olives for the first time.


This is going to be such a useful tool for challenging the irrational beliefs of those people! Good thing I don’t have any strongly-held irrational beliefs!


Yes, but how did it end? What were Washington’s teeth really made of? Ugh, I hate open endings.

Slaves, remember?

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Re: club meetings
One of Douglas Adams’ early sketches is about the 42nd meeting of The Crawley and District Paranoid Society.
(Can’t find a link right now, sorry.)

I think he hated open endings too, thus the dentures.

AFAIK they were recycled teeth. Some were even his own. George Washington's Teeth · George Washington's Mount Vernon

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Especially depressing when it comes to climate change and anti-vaxers

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